These were goin' around, so...
A-Age: 28 (going on 12)
B-Biggest Fear: Needles
C-Current Time: 8:43 p.m.
D-Drink you last had: Water
E-Easiest person to talk to: Myself
F-Favorite Song: Let It Go ^w^
G-Grossest Memory: Several incidents involving my brother & vomit >____<
H-Hometown: Clark, NJ
I-In love with: Hayffie more than anything/one else atm XD
K-Killed Someone: Many times (mentally at least)
L-Longest Relationship: Like...a year-ish?
M-Middle Name(s): Kathleen Theodora
N-Number of Siblings: 2 (younger bros)
O-One wish: To live in a parallel universe with all of my favorite character-people...oh wait, I already do. And spend more time there than in this world. ;-p
Person you last called: My grandma, a week & a 1/2 ago
Q-Question You're Always Asked: "Is your hair naturally that red/curly?" (Answer: Yes.)
S-Song You Last Sang: One of Ownage Pranks' songified pranks XD
T-Time You Woke Up: 6 am thanks to the low-battery fire alarm going off
U-Underwear Color: Red right now
V-Vacation Destination: Next? Not sure. But I ultimately want to go all over the rest of the US/Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, & other islands...we'll see where else after all that. ;]
W-Worst Habit: Scratching off scabs and picking my nails short x-p
X-X-Rays You've Had: Dental & left foot after motorcycle accident
Y-Your Favorite Food: Who could pick one thing? *-* Many fruits, pasta, Belgian waffles, cereal, pretzels, hummus, various veggies, macarons & meringues & gummies & ices & looooads of other sweets/candy/pastries...
Z-Zodiac Sign: Cancer & Fire Rabbit/Cat "Looking at the Moon"; third decanate, Taurus moon, Leo rising, Cancer/Leo cusp; Dragon ascendant, Sheep love sign
1. Nickname: Red, Shell/y, Kat, Sissy, Mike, Michelin, Michelob, Myshylee...etc.
2. Eye color: Green
3. Hair color: Red
4. Random fact: I'm a huge toy collector (G4 My Little Pony, plush/plastic dogs & other animals, Disney/Pixar stuff, Lisa Frank...I have TONS of collections.)
5. Favorite color: Rainbow. (Cheating? Okay, chartreuse...)
6. Favorite place: My mind and My World, which includes all of the greatest places in the entire universe
7. Favorite celebrity: I have rather large lists of actors & musicians...but then, I have long lists of EVERYTHING
8. Favorite animal: Dogs, then fishes (and some marine invertebrates)
9. Favorite song: Since I have thousands on Spotify, I'm basically going with Let It Go as #1 now ;)
10. Favorite book: Are you even serious with the asking me this right now? UMM. Let's just say the whole Baby-Sitters Club, Boxcar Children, Sweet Valley, & Goosebumps series, because all of those together? Fuggeddaboutit. Amazing. Cemented a lifelong love of reading. ;3
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