<a href="https://data.mlpmerch.com/profile/1018/"><img src="https://data.mlpmerch.com/signature/1018/3221.png" /></a>
...Well shit, will ya lookit that. Neither code appears to work. Right now, anyway. Quelle domage.
EDIT: 7/30/17: LPS wish/checklist links.
Wish ~ https://lpsmerch.com/wishlist/21/
Check ~ https://lpsmerch.com/checklist/21/
Pony ones...
Wish ~ https://data.mlpmerch.com/wishlist/1018/
Check ~ https://data.mlpmerch.com/checklist/1018/
Super-favorite 2000s LPS (on LPS board): THIS PIN HERE
All fave 2000s LPS: DIS PIN
(They added some more to G6 after I did this, so now there are several more on my wishlist...but this is still the bulk of 'em.)
Doubtlessly these will become outdated when at some point I no longer remember to add each new pony acquisition to them...;P
4/15/24: Aside from the board, a couple of very important LPS links, yay. And a 3rd one. Although 'tis distressing that I can only zoom in and read the 1D files in the actual drive folder? Links should work precisely the same way and display the files perfectly, duh. The OneDrive superfolder links are in the "linkage" post of course, but this is, as Tigger would say, ridickerous. Self-note: Saved the text in the "qnacvh" notepad doc; the notebook pages are in Casey II. DISCOVERY: If you zoom in with the mouse's roller-ball, then it works...but WTAFH MICROSOFT, you shouldn't need to have or be using that kind of mouse, how utterly insane! ||| part of a flickr caption that had been linked on the board: " ***SEE COMMENT ON 2/13/24 MISCELLANYINSANEY ENTRY*** Oh yeah, and the pink seahorse in the old bathroom Dixie cups on my desk... BUT NOW I NEEDA TALK SUPERIOR 90S LPS... Oh man, I love LPS so much. My very favorites were the Beethoven's 2nd ones, a rectangular aquarium, a crystal-winged swan, a purple carrier with a multi-pup scene inside, and the ones I've still got: pin.it/7oESJpH And of course all the cute bowls/accessories, Pood and other aminals, etc. :'3 "