Decided to blahhhhg me Spotify playlists, even though clicking on them just asks you to login...and when you sits there and does nothing...?? Um, wtf, mate? So you can't actually see them, which is totally bogus. Because they're practically the greatest things ever in the history of music. x-p
--edit: Yeah, totally forget that old mess...too many now anyways (17, outta 46 public) and the profile link's elsewhere (sidebar, the later 'spotify'-tagged entry)
Do find it interesting to note that as of 10/13/20 I've 5724 tracks across the 17 created playlists & 2166 likes. And THANK BLOODY BOB ALMIGHTY for the greyed-out "no-longer-available" ones because before I realized how to turn that on I was just like, "Well goddamn, all that for nothing if any of them can just disappear without warning at any moment like with fucking YouTube."