So random, but a friend self-identified as a potato...and I, queen of knowing what I'd be 'if I were a/an [insert noun]*' (I have just ever so many longass lists of favorite everythings x~3), said I wanted to be a veggie too. And a fruit. But which?? Hence these lists of favorites, headed by top choices for the question at hand (ofc all red ones had to be strongly considered. ;)
Rhubarb (probs), radish, beet, ginger, bell pepper (orange--or red, yellow), mushroom (probs Cantharellus cinnabarinus*), (red) squash/gourd/pumpkin, carrot; eggplant, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, celery, cauliflower, water chestnut, watercress, sweet corn & peas; okra winfrey, zucchini, parsnip, turnip, rutabaga; lemongrass!, anise!, lavender!, basil, oregano, parsley/sage (my pleco!)/rosemary/thyme ;p (OH WAIT RAINBOW CHARD...[comments ^^]) And naturally, if I were a potato, I'd be...a purple/blue/indigo one...most likely.
*other 'shroom/fungus choices would include (whether edible or not):
Hygrophorus miniatus; psittacina, punicea, flavescens
Lactarius indigo
Bisporella citrina
Pulcherricium caeruleum
Mycena leaiana
Laccaria amethystina
Chlorosplenium aeruginosum
Sarcoscypha coccinea
Guepinia helvelloides
Aleuria aurantia
Gliophorus psittacinus
Cortinarius violaceus
Amanita muscaria [echinocephala, pantherina, caesarea ...]
Pluteus aurantiorugosus
Russula vitellina
Flammulina velutipes
Ramaria araiospora
Omphalotus illudens
Agaricus arvensis, campestris
Clitocybe glaucocana, odora, nuda
ETC. 0_0
Dragonfruit!!, [ruby-red] grapefruit!!, lemon, lime, (blood) orange/clementine!/tangerine/kumquat, kiwi, mango, papaya, coconut, pineapple, peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, pear, [maraschino] cherry, pomegranate, strawberry, grape, apple, banana, plantain, honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, the wee berries, date, starfruit!! 8~D, guava, persimmon, passion fruit, fig. all fruits+most veggies so just, y'know...yeah, throw all the rest in there somewhere... (I'd bet that I'd also like the exotic fruits you can almost never try here in any form e.g. tangelo, citron, breadfruit, cherimoya, rambutan, durian...prickly pear, pepino, kiwano, tomatillo...)
Wonder how many other dragonfruit/rhubarbs are out there.
Related note--next garden I grow is gonna be, one way or another, VERTICAL. B-|
And goddamn do I love juices that never have any pulp or sediment!! X-P Just smooth, thin, light and lovely clarity...
...And now to see what some emoji look like on here? Y NAWT
...oh, right. Those.
Also...I think I believe in reincarnation...but there are only so many animals I would VERREH MUCH want to be. #1, of course: Dog (one of my favorite breeds, preferably Saluki because that is Best Doggo, paws-down. Love bein' a sassy, snarktastic Saluker.) And after that...a tropical reef fish, tbh. I've many a favorite in fresh and saltwater, but I'd have to pick one of my fave tangs/surgeons, file/tile or triggerfish, box/trunkfish, angel or butterfly/bannerfish, dottybacks, damsels/anemone-clowns, gobies, mandarin!/dragonets, (royal!) grammas, anthias, or a Moorish Idol. Or a bluespotted ribbontail ray (oh, how I love rays...and sharks...lotsa faves in that fishy category...)
Or else, a nudibranch (especially the black/orange/green ones. Or red/blue/yellow. Or pink/purple/orange.) Ugh, too many gorge ones.
Maybe a vividly-colored bird, or harlequin toad or arrow/dart frog.
I just want to be beautiful creatures. The most beautiful creatures. xD Guess I'm vain. Sue me. (That's why my favorite Pokemon are the ones I find beautiful and/or awesome-looking, and why I surround myself with so much beauty absolutely everwhurr.)
10/19/19: I'm interested in the "His Dark Materials" series due to the awesomeness of the "daemon" concept...obviously mine would be a dog...maybe my Patronus could be my second-favorite animal (tropical fish), since could you even have an aquatic daemon? Could it be a fish that swims in the air, or a walking catfish or something? Whereas a Patronus is sort of formed from magickal light energy emitted from your wand, so, that'd make more sense for that, ja? So, okay. Dog daemon, fish Patronus. Breed choice is easy (Saluki), though fish species ain't. Could be a ray (blue-spotted ribbontail if so), could be a tang...or a filefish, trunkfish...too bad it's a male boxfish with the most glorious pattern...or, any number of others. Even a shark maybe (epaulette? Leopard? Carpetshark, catshark-type?)
For aquatic inverts, it'd be a nudibranch, ofc. (Or a worm that resembles one. xD) For reptile/amphibian, a poison dart frog or harlequin toad. For cats, Cornish Rex or Oriental Shorthair. Horses--one of the top ones on that list. In other cases, I'd be one of the most vividly-colored whatever. ;p