Monday, April 29, 2019

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3: "The Long Night" {INITIAL REACTIONS}

Well, I'm speechless. I have now seen the Battle of Winterfell, doesn't feel as if I've actually seen the Battle of Winterfell? Or all of it? I think if I'd been spoiled, I would have dismissed some of the spoilers as made-up bullshit. How, I'm wondering, is it possible to feel the way I do after having seen this particular episode? Winter has fallen at Winterfell...for a time? I need to just dive straight into this...

Okay, the episode was extremely suspenseful and adrenaline-rushy and stressful. The first time through was frustrating with the lighting, and no, it's not your TV. Unless you've got a set from the 50s. Between my dad and brother, there is no way we're ever watching anything at less than optimal quality, and the lights were out. The murky, swirly blurs of inky darkness and indistinguishable people and actions were, I'm sure, wholly deliberate. They plopped you right there into the "Can't see shit Captain" chaos. I have to prop my glasses up high the entire time to see with maximum sharpness. The screen would slow, lighten, and clear up a bit when a significant death or event occurred. But the first time through I was just going, "All right, so people could be dropping left and right and we won't know unless we see them as wights or they're named as casualties later or we simply don't see them again or...?" There were so many moments when main characters easily could have, perhaps even should have, died. At one point I was distinctly almost convinced Brienne had bitten it. Yet if we didn't specifically see it happen, we're evidently meant to assume they survived. Even if they looked rather overwhelmed and doomed. And that moment where you kinda thought Jon was gonna save Sam but he had to keep going...:o Miracle Sam survived at all, really. -_- Sure didn't live up to that episode-2 sass, boy. Were other people having to save his ass the whole time, or did Edd's death ignite his latent fighting skills?

Sam really struggled. (Like the whole damn time after the first few wights, how did he live...) At first he makes the brave choice of the battlefield over the crypt, and you're like, "Aw man, if Randyll could see him now!" Howeverrr...before long I was saying, "Okay buddy, you made a courageous go of it, but maybe you'd be better off with Gilly and Little Sam if you're mostly going to need continual rescuing?" There's always gonna be a lot of allies saving one another, but he seemed particularly unsuited to being out there.
OH EDD. ;-; He was the first to go, and I was not happy. Love that guy. (Also I should point out for anyone who goes around saying "Dolores Edd" that "dolorous" is "dollar us.")

MY MVP MELISANDRE came through in a big way, BRINGING THAT LIGHT. (Although she deserved bigger...get to that later. She wasn't disguised at Winterfell either, as hypothesized...) The ignition of the arakhs was an epic, majestic "aww dude" moment. (And then "Sorry can't do the same for y'all Unsullied, but valar morghulis!") Thanks, Grey Worm. ^-^ Not like you guys needed fire, since you were actually armed with dragonglass. Loved the Dothraki moving as a field of fire, leading the battle off. It was an auspicious start to the ep. The loss of Dothraki is on Dany's strategy; however many wights they killed before going down, it would have been far fewer if not for Mel. Flaming weapons are never pointless.
Davos lets her in...oh yeah, & you also had Ghost charging--just to be seen briefly like, "Here ya go, wolf-starved audience, will this appease?" But he apparently also survived. (Might they as well have killed him for all the use they're making of him? :p)
Then Mel came in clutch with the trench-lighting. 8'D What. A. BLAZE!! Lots of stunningly gorgeous shots of her in this ep, especially the one with the fire in her eyes. The look of actual amazement on her face. Again her incantations work when she's desperate, teary, shaky, pleading with the Lord of Light. Damn, he really makes you work for your miracles. That obviously used a ton of strength, and  the unsuppressible self-doubt that had plagued her since Stannis' demise was still present. Hope she also managed to summon some Dany-esque faith in herself at last--I see her & the LoL as partners, and ideally there'd be both.
And I mean, I just...Carice is out of this world. She fully deserves ALL of the roles from here on out and ALL of the awards. I've chosen my new all-time favorite actress well. She can kill you without uttering a word. The only prequel I require is one that delves into Mel's past, with Carice playing adult-her. (Been saying all along that the "Valyria" prequel idea is the raddest.)  

"I don't know how to use it." Um. IT'S BASICALLY A FUCKING KNIFE. Stabby-stab, slashy-slash, cut-cut. It ain't rocket science, bitch.
Even if you don't hit 'em in the optimal spot, anything's better than nothing.
And at least Arya knows better than to "never aim." xD She better have mentally retracted the ill-considered "smartest person I've ever met" statement.

Dany wanted to get the dragons going early. She and Jon were mostly dragon-action, with dialog consisting primarily of gasps and pants and heavy breathing. xD She had more of consequence to do than he. Poor R&D having to battle their undead bro. Dany establishing the NK as a fellow Unburnt (by dragonfire, anyhow.) Which was plain to us, but poor her hoping she'd taken care of the bastard, only to have him standing there smirking at her. Felt so bad for Drogon getting swarmed and having to shake the wights off like fleas.
And then...the arm-raise! Dammit Jon. Well, the crypt prediction was right on, although I don't think we saw any recognizable wights who'd died prior to this episode--one of many weirdly missed opportunities. Still, watching all the dead open their now-blue eyes and rise was just like, "Ohhhh, we're sooooooo fucking fucked." And yup, hiding from dead people who can raise the dead in a room fulla dead folks was predictably brilliant.

SER JORAAAAAAHHHHHHH..;0; Ugh, got so misty. Dany sobbing over him, Drogon hugging around...omfg. Like, say "Khaleesi" or something one more time...;o; (And kiss him before he passes!!) But words weren't needed. 'Twas all felt. Ily Jorah. But let's also mention that Daenerys was being an excellent example for all reasonably able-bodied usual-noncombatants: you find yourself threatened, you pick up whatever weapon you can find and you make a goddamn effort! You don't need to have held one before. Figure it out. You've seen it a million times. Use your instincts. You go, girl. (Except for how in dafuq do you STILL not have armor...?!!??!!?!!!?!!!?!!??)

Lyanna's death was fittingly badass! Finally she was taken down a peg, but still boldly charged a fucking giant wight--and took him down with her. She'd begun to annoy me of late, but it's forgiven. (Crap, we lost both potential heads of House Mormont, and one assumes the whole house...le sigh.)

My man Varys for the third time needed more to contribute; hopefully that'll come within the sure-to-be-poltically-charged remaining episodes? Appreciated his pessimistic "at least we're already in a crypt" quip. But good on Tyrion for being frustrated down there and wanting to try to do SOMETHING.
At least Sansa recognizes her uselessness. -.- Damn right, he was the best of your husbands by lightyears. But even now I think he'd deserve better. Loved Missandei's clapback in defense of the dragon queen. After the dead rose, I thought Sansa was gearing up to actually slay some wights...but I guess not? Wouldn't we have clearly seen that rather than it just being doubtfully/vaguely implied? Idk, that part went so quickly. :/ There was the beautifully touching silent bit with Tyrion though, so maybe they will get together willingly this time? Theon's outta the picture already anyway. >< So, the crypt-hiders we care about survived then--Varys, Tyrion, Gilly, Sansa? Aiight. Disappointingly without having to fight or do much besides run and hide elsewhere down there 'til the dead re-died, apparently, but okay.

No seriously though, fuck Sansa, the more I think about this. "I'm not going to abandon my people--I don't want to do nothing down there, I want to do nothing up here where I can watch. Oh, you're giving me an extremely effective and easy-to-use weapon? Me no know how work it. Oh, the dead are reanimating? Better keep hiding and let my people perish!" This bish has a mere 3 episodes left to turn things around and make me like her, and I don't see it happening. Cersei Jr. 

Speaking of useless...BRAN! :D Did as little as ever. Perhaps less. "I'm gonna go now...for a ride in my wheelchair, wheeeeee, far from this frozen hellhole...naw I'm gonna be a birdie again, tweet-tweet..." N'really though. He was the NK's primary target, but at least it's not as if you could've said, "Well hey if we just give him Bran, he'll be satisfied and leave us alone." No, he wants you all gone, so that wouldn't have been feasible. Destroying the 3ER matters to him, even if the vast majority of people have no idea what he is. He wasn't crucial to mankind's survival, only to its memory after being wiped out. Our world gets on just fine without a living "three-eyed raven" individual. And I reckon a lot of people would be keen on killing such a person--creepy af to think of someone being able to watch anyone doing anything at any time, spy on you in your most private moments. On the other hand, it could be handy and interesting, if he's willing to truthfully divulge information to you.
But aaaanyhoozer. THEON!! I are le sad again. Best thing Bran did all episode was call him a good man and thank him. "Who's a gud boi? Besides Ghost?" *pets and ruffles* Like BoJack, he appreciated hearing that. And he is. :''} Bit o' sadness on the three-eyed raven there when he died. 'Course you could see his death coming a mile away and then STILL go "WAIT WHAT IT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE THAT EASY" when the Night King does shatter. "That's really it? Plus if you'd polled people on who would end up killing the Night King, sure, Jon and Dany would have been at the top, but Arya would've been up there too. We've got a whole gorgeous cast of possibilities. Where's all the other stuff most people wouldn't have seen coming?"

Noticed the music, especially in the last 15-20 minutes, and thought, "Ramin's done it again." Now there's a dude who NEVER drops, or even fumbles, the ball.

Moving backwards, the Arya/Sandor/Beric stuff was cool & sweet. Nice callback to the Waif chase tumble. And Jaime & Brienne helping each other out (suppose if the dying-in-her-arms thing is gonna happen it'll be during the Cersei fight then.) Got Arya's "Zombie Library" horror-movie scene, the trailer material--and sure enough she was just being chased by a horde of wights. All that speculation that it had to be a reanimated somebody she knew or connected to Cleganebowl or something unpredictable, but nah, even the "fearless" would run like that from your run-of-the-mill, garden-variety zombies. xD
POOR BERIC!! ;.; Me so sad. Arya tried to save and then comfort him...I thought he might have dying words. But nope, same as Jorah.

This feels like the right time for...this.

"I know were on my list at one point." So glad my girl's willing to revise as necessary.
"Blue eyes": I gasped, "Yours?! And, well, the undead in general, obviously...and who else with blue eyes might she need to kill for some reason? Certainly not Tormy-kins...oh." All right. Didn't have to be the NK himself, but why not I guess.
So FROM WHERE did Arya dive upon the Night King? A tree branch? A wall? Hadda be something. Because it was out of nowhere, without warning, apparently escaping the other WWs' attention somehow, but appeared to be from above. I'm going with tree; only thing that makes any sense.
"Faceless ninja assassin stealth" would be a flimsy answer in that case; she wasn't even disguised. If she could slip past them, others could as well. She's not THAT special. This big baddie's bodyguards actually let her slip by. Okay, let's say for the sake of argument she was just that swift. She never acquired the power of flight or impossibly high leaping. And nothing's lamer than claiming something happened "just because magic or whatever." The rules for what exists should be established relatively early, and how it works should be flexibly hinted. You can't all of a sudden rocket above your enemy in a "wtf" fashion.
Anyhow. He catches her by the neck, she drops and catches the dagger, shatters him--followed by the other WWs, and all the dead drop (including Viserion right in front of Jon, and the crypt corpses before harming our huddled bunch. Plus a few lucky others.)

Sandor and Mel emerge as the sun is beginning to rise. (I HOPE to R'hllor they had some productive conversations, and/or fought off wights together!!) She then strides silently through the corpse-littered field, discards her choker and lets the ruby glow its last, walks on...and gradually transforms into the super-elderly her, finally disintegrating and blowing away into the wind like Mother Gothel. And...I am just so glad that the episode ended so poignantly on her. She showed up early on to do her part, and she closed it out. Walking willingly into the overdue rest for which she's been ready a long time. A hero in the end. Having fulfilled her purpose, she heads straight into her beloved Lord's embrace at break of dawn. Reuniting, hopefully, with any whom she's loved and outlived. The weight of the world has lifted from her shoulders at long last, and she can finally sleep, after this long lifetime spent fighting with darkness. No more need to fear the dreams. This time, she can go home. I hope she and all the beloved deceased find peace. Hope she finds Shireen and does cool afterlife stuff for her in apology for the grievous error. This was one of multiple possible death scenes I'd envisioned for her. She beautifully bookended the BoW. Everybody had better lay some damn respect on her name. All she did, she did not for own sake, knowing she wouldn't in the end be sticking around for thanks or to enjoy the saved land should they succeed--but purely due to the desire to see it saved.
High time she receives the credit due her. She probably could've peaced outta this world long ago and said "Fuck y'all," but instead committed herself to the LoL and discovering his plan for her...stayed driven and focused on her raison d'etre 'til the end...
She may have thought she'd fulfilled her destiny in resurrecting Jon, but the LoL wasn't done with her yet. Ugh, I cry. (Initially I'd thought the first necklace-removal indicated that she'd sacrificed her life force to bring him back!) I know the old-lady reveal came before the resurrection, which I guess was her feeling unsure and vulnerable and looking at her true current form after being asked to attempt such a feat...but I love the thought of her kinda "trying to die" before her time (like "Can I be done now? No? You still want me here? Okay, your will is still mine...") I believe the LoL selected her because she wanted to live for his purpose; it was their combined wills that kept her going this long. He chose her because she chose herself, in a way.
The other time I cried was "Hold the door." Also Maester Aemon's death/funeral, the second time through. And almost on the demises of Sers Barristan & Jorah.

But I wanted that loss to happen in ep 4 or 5, with the plot carrying over. Dammit, Mel oughta be part of getting a decent monarch on the throne (i.e., not Cersei.) Her prime directive with Stannis was bringing the savior to power so he could rescue humanity from the Others (not necessarily by killing the NK personally ofc), but she & Davos both thought he'd make a just and honorable king too--and let's face it, of the five was his by right. But I suppose the LoL took her back now, & the lesser humans can sort their own shit out...still, be great for her to have received the adulation/praise/thanks/credit/acknowledgement due her in person. -.-

PREVIEW: "We have won the great war." ...In one episode, so it feels too quick-and-"easy!" Thanks anyway Yara, didn't need you after all. ;p Are we sure this isn't a wholeass fake-out?! The sneakiest mislead/misdirection ever?!?! Somehow?!?!?!? People and things we think are gone after the BoW will be back to blindside everybody?? *prays desperately to the LoL*  Hey, if it works for one witchy redhead...
Like...3 long episodes left for dealing with Cersei, and then "aftermath" (hashing out political positions and all survivors' futures and tying up loose ends, answering lingering questions, etc...I guess that'll work? Obviously it did...) But the bottom line is: CERSEI IS WORSE THAN DEATH. If we can defeat literal Death already but still have half the episodes to "rip her out root and stem," uh. Yeah. Guess that's humorously, ironically true. (Although, if it was, couldn't the LoL let us have Meli longer...and/or Beric...who's he got down here now, The Hound?)
And they have decimated forces now, so whatever's ahead is also far from easy...
Cersei got off scott-free and -should- be appropriately impressed/grateful that those she betrayed actually managed to keep everyone south of Winterfell safe from the looming doom, but she's guaranteed pure sneering, self-centered smugness and evil as usual. :p So what is this...a proposal from Euron? A Gendrya smooch? Dragon-lovin' from Dany? Etc. Hokay. I just hope everything else doesn't feel totally underwhelming now, since "The Long Night" felt like the second-to-last episode. AND we seem to have lost one of the most powerful, mysterious, fascinating people. 8-\ There'll have to be some BoW aftermath/discussion (rn I'll be discussing what needs to be discussed.)
This was everyone’s war, the war for the dawn, and hopefully when all’s said and done those who remain will have had enough of fighting to settle things peacefully. (Hah. Fat chance? We’ll see.) 

I absolutely get the point of other flesh-and-blood humans remaining as threats even when the seemingly most dangerous enemy has (seemingly >_>) been eliminated. The one accidentally created by a race of humanoids. This STILL feels as if it needed more than one episode, even if it's the longest of the series. Seven seasons, eight years of buildup (much more in the show's world.) How could "The Long Night" last 82 minutes? How could it literally span one single night? The dead were this "ultimate enemy" from the very first scene of Season 1, the apocalyptic threat from which political machinations and thrones were truly mere distractions, and even if Cersei's worse than Death...they didn't even get past Winterfell. I was just left with a million things to say/ask. It's just that the episode/55-nights-to-shoot, most-mindblowing-thing-ever battle was hyped sky-friggin-high. Is it merciful or disappointingly difficult to believe that we had as few deaths as we did?
Hopefully with the rest of the series will come the answers and perspective I need...

Where were the ice spiders big as hounds? (I know, I know, budget; we barely saw Ghost.) Any chance of Nymeria's wolf pack traveling south to aid in fighting Cersei?
The Night King didn't head to King's Landing--which would've been a smart plan--thanks to his goddamn Raven-Bran obsession. People had some great predictions and theories that didn't play out, and may never be able to at this juncture. Certainly, every fan theory that takes hold should not and cannot prove true, but many have tended to pan out because they simply make too much damn sense. Not so in this case.
Is this indeed how the books will--uh, I mean would--end? I find it hard to imagine that GRRM would've neglected to give D&D any key plot points that he's firmly aware of and hasn't changed his mind about...

Clearly the battle was hell for the characters, but I fully expected the plan to go still further to hell, and for this issue to extend beyond the third episode and wind up intertwining with the Cersei problem. We're to understand that eps 3-5 are like three acts of one long story/film. Guess we just have to wait to see how that's the case. Truly agreed with the forecast that the dead would win at Winterfell, with survivors forced to flee south to regroup and finish battling on both fronts later. How phenomenally terrifying would that be...!!!!! These ain't the kind of expectations you really want subverted. Praying I won't reach the end still thinking how much I want a do-over. Please let the rest be loaded with shocking surprises that thrill me and undo every disappointment I currently feel...please.

Is there -any- possible way that you could have a "Little Shop of Horrors"-style ending, with signs of the undead returning? Probably not. But it felt like the start of that trope where everything gets suspiciously calm for a while and you think you've defeated Hexxus but then he rises again harder and stronger as an even more fucking petrifying, fire-breathing skeletal sludge-demon ("Surprise muthafuckaz, thought ya'd seen the last of me?"), and everybody's like, "All right, so it really wasn't that simple." I sorta see some narrative poetry in Arya being given the would-be Bran-killing dagger in the spot where the NK was created as a human-destroying machine, then sneaking up on him there as she had Jon. I mean honestly, Arya's been one of my top favorites since the beginning. I adore her, I identify with her. But we already knew she was awesome and badass. We've seen her do plenty of fist-pumping, cheer-inducing, rah-rah wicked-awesome and assassiny shit. Her training and missions thus far had been worthwhile in and of themselves, without that endgame. They've paid off in the vengeance and justice and triumphant moments she's achieved, plus already contributing mightily to the battle, shutting many a blue eye forever.

For the ultimate secret to just be guiding her to go stab the Night King felt Meh? Not enough took place first? On the one hand, it is a great moment for Mel, letting Arya know the task she has to carry out and encouraging her to go get it done. However, Mel can also change her appearance at will, probably more easily than Arya (for whom face-changing didn't even come into play)--why not just let her grab a dagger and impale the guy, if that's all it was gonna take? Why did it HAVE to be Arya? Why is that leaving me a little cold and unimpressed? Sure she's a sneaky ninja assassin, but there's no magic to sneakiness, no impossible level of lightfootedness that renders you absolutely silent or invisible or undetectable to supernatural beings bent on destroying your species. Not that we have any reason to believe she achieved at her level of faceless study, anyway. There's a limit, training or no training. And she's not even as advanced as Jaqen or others, so you might as well have HIM come back and do it. That'd be more thrilling and shocking than seeing her get one more kill. (Not to mention the NK should've just snapped her fuckin' plot-armored neck...!!!!)
[OH AND IT'S SNEAKED NOT SNUCK, FFS PEOPLE.--courtesy of Stannis the Mannis, One True King of Grammar] Anyway, Arya's not the only person who can move quickly, lightly, and quietly, and also stab. That's not a superpower (or if it is, I'm Wonder Woman. People be always goin' "AH! I didn't know anyone was there" when I assumed they were aware of my presence...xD) People in horror/suspense/action films regularly have to do what she did, without unnecessary special training. Ya wanna have her slide in from the side and shank the NK in his weak spot while he's distracted with somebody else at the end of ep 4 or 5, fine, but 3? Gimme a break. At least she wouldn't have attacked the NK without Mel's revelation & prodding.
Those other worthless Walkers shouldn't have allowed Arya to get close enough to impale their leader, though. -_-
{"COLONEL. I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thicc..."}

It was Melly's death that seemed like a nail in the coffin to the idea of there being a fake-out as far as the AotD. At any rate, if the NK/WWs could be reconstituted or reincarnated or reformed, Mel would have to be too. (And she does deserve to rest without being called right back to Planetos after being on it for like 3, 400 years or so? xD If the Great Other still presented a massive danger, the LoL wouldn't have taken her yet...) That it appeared to *conclude,* and not just leave off on a maddening cliffhanger for next week with the promise of more expected events concerning the dead, is what's got me buggin'. Something is so damned fishy about the whole thing.

Continuing my thought train: Who is/was Azor Ahai and/or the Prince(ss) Who Was Promised? What or who was/is Lightbringer? Entirely too much has been made of this key prophecy to discard it in the 11th hour because "Lul we just like badass Arya bein' a badass." It's actually unfair to Sansa at this point. Was it a combination of Mel and Arya? Another combo of people? Everyone collectively? This is a huge thing. Arya can't be AA/TPWWP. Mel would've at least sensed something beyond "you'll permanently shut eyes of all colors and we'll meet again." She'd have begun to see signs pointing to Arya, devoted herself instead to aiding her--but nope, she remained stuck on Stan the mistake. For her to suddenly realize at the very last minute that it's been Arya all along would be random, ridiculous nonsense. Obviously she recently saw an image in the flames (probably in Volantis before heading back to Westeros) of Arya slaying the NK and went, "Oh those blue eyes specifically, but I need to tell her to do it." But Arya does not fit the prophecy and is not AA/TPWWP...she was just...destined to do that one thing, becuz skillz? She didn't figuratively forge the catspaw dagger in any way, so I kinda doubt they thought of it as being Lightbringer. There's nothing truly special about it, is there? Any other weapon made of NK-killing material could've done the job. There was a pic of it in that citadel book, but who knows why, it could've been a glossary of undead-killing weaponry. Giving it to Arya was the fucking obvious thing to do even if Bran had no inkling of this fate. Idk, maybe it was destined to kill the NK without actually being Lightbringer.

And let's face it, that scene in S3 only concerned Arya becoming a faceless man; they turned it into a NK thing too when they decided they wanted her to kill him, and fortunately Mel had listed the three most common eye colors (in order tho), so they could focus in on the blue. :p Surely some of the humans Arya's felled were blue-eyed. D&D decided 3 years ago she'd kill the NK, but if she were the subject of the prophecy they'd have gotten that previously from George. The repetition of that prophecy was only to emphasize the blue, not to say that Arya still had one more green- and brown-eyed person to kill as well.

Now I suppose it could've just been a matter of needing people to be in the right places at the right times and ensuring that the right groups unite, and so the LoL was guiding her all along to where she had to be...but there MUST be a reason Mel was SO UNQUESTIONABLY CERTAIN that Stannis, an unrelated man, was the hero, and I demand to know what that is. I need all this shit addressed, writers.Was it just so she'd be where she needed to be for this ultimate outcome? We can make our conjectures about how Mel needed to pass from Stan to Jon so things would work out as they did, but...  Mayhaps Shireen was a test of sorts which Stannis failed in his quest for kingship--something Mel wound up regretting deeply for multiple reasons. Would the true Prince/rightful king not have sacrificed his child? It depressed her for some time, but eventually compounded her determination to fulfill her goal and set things to rights.

WHAT HAPPENED to last year's supposedly legit spoiler about Mel fighting the Night King one on one, turning wights against him, "holding her own but not winning?" I was waiting for this fucking glory. Maybe it's better to do what I'd done for every prior season and NOT closely follow for every last tidbit of news along the way. Regardless, THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THERE. Made too much sense not to be. The Fiery Hand, red priests and priestesses from Essos arriving to reinforce ("the savior!") Daenerys' troops, Kinvara, cutaways to Mel powering up & prepping in Volantis, even additional dragons--where were any of these fantastic, logical ideas? They aren't crackpot tinfoil hypotheses or too-high hopes. They're story elements and likely possibilities that should be dealt with and included, not ignored. It just can't be over. What did Varys hear in the flames? It makes sense to extend the connections between him & Mel, and to connect their fates. Why'd he have to just sit there the whole damn time? My spyder deserves so much better. His death better have something to do with the flame thing and not just some bullshit getting roasted by "Mad Queen Dany" (GAG me) for betraying her after swearing not to go behind her back, or whatever they might try to pull after axing the NK too early.

No "Night Queen," no "ice priestess," no Nissa Nissa to forge Lightbringer. One jab. What, happened.
Also the plot armor thickens, alas, as you careen toward the end. The show built its reputation partly on the realistic willingness to kill anyone at anytime, but with the cast whittled down for the endgame, you KNOW certain people need to make it to certain points for certain things to happen. But whatever. ;p Even the ones who almost assuredly don't have a big part and aren't crucial made it against overwhelming odds, somehow.
Guess I'm no longer speechless! The night might not have been that long, but as always my feedback sure as shit is.
This is the first time I've been so let down by a GoT episode, and I never would have seriously imagined being anything less than blown away by this one delivering everything I dreamt of and then some. Hate the feeling, because it feels as if it shouldn't even be possible.
...Rewatching for a third's a pretty well-structured episode. Well-paced, well-edited and all that. *For what's in it.* If that's all that needed to happen before we apparently lost the AotD and Mel and moved past that plot. And I just, refuse to accept that that's the case. Lay some kinda twist on me, guys, I beg of you. I love the traditional political intrigue and throne shit as much as the next girl, but this is the final season. Last chance for everything. There should be so much more, and it's unbelievable that the NK could've been ended just like that. Feel like I watched a severely edited-down version of his plot line. It shouldn't have been too much to ask to linger longer in the winter Old Nan described, or indeed to have truly experienced it. It can't take a promised prince or Azor Ahai one time, and a sneaky girl with a dagger the next. They need to pull out all the stops and go, "SIKE! We got you good!"
#BattleOfWinterfell #GameOfThrones #GoT #ForTheThrone #NotToday 

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P.S. And oh yeah, which scene was this then?:  

Monday, April 22, 2019

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2: "A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS" {Initial Reactions}

Okay, I thought Dany & Jaime would address that he was right to kill her father, but whatever, it all worked out. :p The things we do for love, Highmay (which is how my computer and phone both pronounce his name for some weird reason??) Knew Brienne would be vouching for him. All rise for the honorable Highmay! (So the only way the rest would find out about his attempted Bran-murder would be if he confessed later on?)

Uh oh, Tyrion could be in hot water. Dammit boi. Dany was counting on those Lannister troops, and all you get is the singlehanded one. But good ol' Jorah of all people comes to his aid, successfully appealing to Dany's forgiving side. I assume Varys would concur--but where the heck did he get to after the first scene?!?! We haven't gotten nearly enough of him yet!! It'll be coming in due time. Evidently he'll be with the crypt ("safe?") people when the fighting getting him out of his robes and into some armor and showing him how to wield a weapon, eh? I mean, I do want him to be safe. Still would've been good to have him with the fireside chat group later on. He and Jorah would both be good hands; Dany has kind of an embarrassment of riches. Anyhow. So. Gendry's the one to whom Arya speaks her trailer line...and also loses her virginity later, awww. Sweet. x-3 "I'm not the Red Woman." *whips off face revealing Mel* XD But that's also later.

Bran has transcended anger and is now dropping lines like, "How do you know there is an afterwards?" X_X Good point; there may well not be. That was a good scene with Jaime, who had another good one with Tyrion. Who believes the northerners will eventually see Dany for what she is and come around to the new queen. Indeed. Hopefully. Cersei's pregnancy apparently isn't fake, though she could still miscarry, or have already done so. (Or have fooled Jaime too.) She uses the truth to tell lies--ha, that's for sure. There were too many great conversations and touching moments before the inevitable bloodbath. ;; *drags cigarette* "We're all gonna die." *flicks butt*
Good plan to go kill Cersei as a wight, though. But tbh I might prefer Jaime or Arya getting to do that. Oh hell, it'd be great any old way. ANYone can do it! Tyrion's fantasy would be swell. Even without the consciousness/memory to enjoy it as he ought...

I don't know how much I envy Brienne's situation. If I had to choose between Tormund and Jaime, man...xDD #jelly I'll take her man sandwich.
Not that there's too much time for romance, or improving at swordplay, or anything else. Unlike the premiere, we now feel the sense of urgency and are witnessing appropriate preparations underway. Conscription's going on. There's very little time left, and a growing sense of unity.
Never trust Cersei! Dany tries to befriend Sansa and find common ground, which very nearly works...yes, Sans, you should have thanked her earlier. No, she did not manipulate Jon into bending the knee. But because you're still holding firmly to northern independence (assuming you win) and Dany still seems unwilling to bend on wasn't a wholly successful meeting. Idk. May Dany have to mull things over and become a bit more flexible with regard to that one kingdom? Admittedly, "Queen of the Six Kingdoms" doesn't have quite the same ring. She did get agitated there; the lightheartedness drained sharply. (And I mean, seeking the throne is not the *only* goal she's ever known...there's the whole home/family/belonging/house-with-the-red-door thing as well, which is tied up in it, but she's never been all about power purely for power's sake or out of total selfishness...:/) Should they survive and the politics still matter, the north could be as willing as Jon to accept Dany as queen.

"Someone taller"--so like, you could be referring to anyone but Tyrion? ;p
Then Theon shows up! And he's gonna guard Bran. There is entirely too much "awww"ing this ep; they're setting us up for a fall, fer sure. Beloved people gonna die horribly next week. >< They're deliberately reminding you why ya love 'em.
Gilly! I feel kinda bad admitting that I was most curious to see whether her weight gain was post-filming or not, and obviously not, but it doesn't affect the story. If anything it's cute that couples can begin to take after one another. ^^ Guess Sam's just been feeding her exceedingly well or something. Might she be pregnant again (not that pregnancy always involves weight gain aside from the actual baby, but it can...?)

Now we're strategizing...the NK wants to erase mankind and all memory of it...yeah, sounds like him. (Wait, he's a villain? We might need him and/or Thanos on Earth. ;p The flaw with Thanos' plan is the careless randomness, since everyone is not equally deserving of being snapped or equally worthy of being not-snapped.)
Sam's philosophizing recalled Coco.
"Well, at least, we're all goin' together...yeah, that's lookin' at the bright side, isn't it?"--Tormund the brave little radio
Bran shows off his Samara-esque Night King tat.
Racist northerners confirmed? Lol. Or xenophobic at any rate. Poor Missy. But Naath (NARF!) really needs to learn to friggin protect itself. :p Ha, I'd be the Unsullied in that relationship.
Sam was great this ep, making his Sam-face the whole time. xD The last of the Night's Watch, damn. That trio (with Ghost back by Jon's side, just standing there being budget-friendly) had some hilarious dialog. Sassy Sam reminding snarky Edd & still-underestimating Jon of his accomplishments.

Tyrion & Jaime, discussing the perils of self-betterment, are joined by Brienne, Pod, Davos, Tormund.  
"You really think any of us are going to sleep tonight?"--GoT viewers to HBO every damn Sunday

Kingkiller, lol. Think Tormy might be mixing something up. But wow, what an origin story. Not sure the way he sloppily chugs from that horn is such a turn-on, but I suppose he makes it work because he's HIM. And ginger. And beautiful. And fortified with giant's milk. And amazing at flirting. #TormundGiantsbae This manwich, HONESTLY. It's the perfect setup for my vision of Jaime dying in Brienne's arms, her filling in his pages, and her giving Tormy a chance...>3 And possibly great big world-conquering monster babies. If both of them make it. Torm's already had a coupla very close calls. ;; And it'd suck for her to die so soon after finally being knighted. #Braime #Jaimienne #Tormienne #Briemund
"...but she gives you food and she gives you rest, and she draws you close to her giant breast, and you know things now that you never knew before...not 'til the sky..."--yep, ofc I think "giant breast" and it's Into the Woods straight away
Next up is Arya/Sandor/Beric. Arry acknowledges that the Hound did fight for her. <3 And he's got his reasons for being part of the fight for humanity now. Beric's off the list, yay. (Hope Mel-Mel still is?) Sandor hilariously cuts off his LoL sermon, actually a tad disappointingly. x'} But Arya decides that rather than keep hanging out with those two miserable old shits, she'd prefer to spend her final hours shagging Gendry so they don't die without having consummated the crush. N'aw. #rollinzehay He fulfilled her custom order for an awesome new weapon, and revealed his Bobby-B-bastardness to her. Also that he was a leech virgin before meeting Melisandre. :p ("I wasn't 'with' her..." Don't lie boi, and take your own bloody pants off. XD ;D) Was slightly weird just 'cause Maisie still looks so young/kiddish, but I just had to remind myself of her and Arya's actual ages. Now again, I've always preferred the older gentlemen, but you do you Arya. ;p Ain't no denyin' Gendry's attractiveness. (Not that I've done/wanted to do the sexytimes, but if I were to give it a try...I know the sorts of guys among which I'd wanna choose...)

"I think we might live." Good one, Tyrion!! Lmao.
"Fuck tradition." We stan a non-sexist wildling. "I'd knight you ten times over." 8'-> Be still my cold dead black heart. So Jaime knights her, and Tormund starts applauding, and they all toast to her, and oohhhhh goddammit. <333 It's such an effin' beautiful moment. 8*D

Ofc Lyanna M.'s gon' fight. Nice exchange with her cousin Jorah. Least we didn't hear her give him a hard time about his past disgrace. Sam gives him Heartsbane, yet another sweet "awww" moment. Yup, definitely too many of them. Bad sign. This spells doom. "I'll wield it in his name, to guard the realms of men." "I'll see you when it's through. I hope we win." Don't we all, Sammy boy. Well, except those who want the NK or Cersei to win. We don't speak of them. ;pp

Without Tyrion even asking him, Pod sang that loverly sad song so niiiice (and apparently Davos can't sing, teehee.) The montage with Theon & Sansa, Arya & Gendry, Sam & Gilly & Little Sam in the crypts, Grey Worm & Missandei (hmm are they tryna make us ship Sanseon/Theonsa?? *wink-wink nudge-nudge*) was gorge. Chills, man, chills.

Re: Jon & Dany @ Lyanna S.'s now she knows. And knows why he'd been avoiding her the whole time. Understandably she's initially shocked and suspicious. Where's the proof of this claim that comes from Jon's brother and bff? It does make him the last male heir, and he does have a claim to the throne. Would he make that claim? Would he pass it to her? Could they rule in tandem? Or "King in the North, Queen in the South?" Would she back down a bit and allow the North to retain its independence or some kind of semi-independence, as she easily did the Iron Islands? Is she seeing her aid in this war as a fair trade for fealty? Perhaps she’d like more respect form the North and/or something else in return for granting independence. Could it actually turn out to be something of a relief that it's not truly *her duty* to restore the Targaryens, that she's not alone but the weight of the world is more on his shoulders--and he's already accepted because everyone thinks he's a full Westerosi and trusts his leadership? Might she be happy about this? Yet, she has come so far, done so much good already, suffered and sacrificed and worked damn long and hard toward the goal. He saw who she was and chose to bend the knee to her...he's never shown a desire to wield this kind of power...why would he suddenly want the IT?

They could make a great team regardless, as Davos said, but again I think it's a moot point since there's no way in hell they're both seeing the end of the series finale, right?! If both survive all the coming battles it'll be interesting to see what comes of the revelation, should they in fact make it public...but yeah. Reflecting on his life, Jon must be able to feel the truth of it. Her immediate response would be anyone's in her place, and there's no time for more.
It felt, especially on the first watch, as if the writers are trying to (please fake-)foreshadow her turning on Jon/Aegon or some shit, perhaps only to have her make some tremendous sacrifice in the end or something. Ugh, I hope. Don't much care for the single-minded throne obsession thing, and absolutely don't want vilification of Dany...It’s almost as if they don’t or no longer like her—but then, this story ultimately comes from GRRM, a known Targaryen stan. Don’t do this ish to our Khaleesi, guys...;0; But. We shall see wtf goes down. I think...there are things I could deal with and others I couldn’t accept...but the latter should be extraordinary unlikely...😝

Also, IS she gonna be preggers? That seemed too heavily foreshadowed not to be a thing. Maybe they'll have an heir (hopefully a sane one)...speaking of which, alongside this whole identity crisis and familial realization, ain't it also irking you guys that you've been unintentionally bonking, and in romantic love with, your aunt/nephew? 'Specially you, Jonny? >p< xD The Stark family tree hasn't been incest-free, of course. While the romance seems unlikely continue, the incest aspect obviously wasn't gonna be the biggest part of the deal for them. You'd think they'd be less comfy than the relatives who willfully engaged in it, but, they had never met and had no idea and they do have much more pressing concerns, and Dany's original situation would've been more incestuous...xD And yeah, the convo was abruptly cut off, so.  Y'all, are, (already) family! <33 Plus, now it makes total sense that Jon was able to fly Rhaegar as well as he did. ;p Although, again, Dany made out like anyone the dragon was willing to accept could ride one and just figure it out...

Still no sign of Melisandre, though she was referred to. Beric's claim about the Lord of Light and the strategizing scene also sparked my excitement for her return. She'll have to show up and be crucial to all this. I feel as if she's gonna have to interact with a lot of people...most likely candidates being Beric, Sandor, Arya, Varys fo' sho, Bran, Jon, Dany, Davos...I mean pretty much everybody, but them probably the most. Potentially some of the folks at King's Landing too. She's also virtually guaranteed to die by the end, but I don't see it happening during the first battle.
Welp, I reckon episode 3'll be the most insane ever. "The dead are already here." "STAND YOUR GROUND!!!!" Preview had shots of so many people--Beric & the Hound, Arya running, Arya w/ Sansa, Sam, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Jorah, Davos...Viserion? ;-; Or one of Dany's? Looks like her on Drogon. She certainly has a personal vendetta against the NK. B-| Is that Theon with the flaming arrow? And Ser Brienne on the front lines. Meep. Lotta trailer shots though, no surprises/spoilers. Aargh.
Again no deaths this week, not that there was much opportunity for them...but all the deeply touching moments are absolute setup for devastation.

So far I enjoyed the second ep more than the first; it was more satisfying, fulfilling, exciting, just overall stronger. Truly a knight to remember. ;; Lots of reminiscing but also moving forward. And it seems impossible that at least the third (first of the long'uns and start of the much-hyped "biggest-ever battle!") wouldn't continue this trend of improvement. I'm always trying to take stock and account for everyone. Robin & Edmure have yet to turn up. We may see Yara again later on. Bronn's obviously going to show up at some point; to what ends we shall see...can't wait for Nymeria's pack...and can I still hold out hope for Jaqen, Daario, Meera/Howland, Hot Pie?

Also I just spent Easter with relatives who think Beagles are Pugs and our Maltese was a Bichon and Dutch things come from Belgium and I need help. Someone save me. x'3

Monday, April 15, 2019

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1: "Winterfell" {Initial Reactions}

Title wasn't revealed 'til after it aired? Odd. It's hardly a spoiler. :P =,= Could be that some of the later ones are, so they're just not gonna reveal any ahead of time. Well, the premiere was thrilling and fast-paced but not yet shocking for the most part, thanks to everything that's been pieced together from all the promo material (which was obviously pulled from or referring primarily to it), and also the leak I couldn't resist reading. Crammed a lot in, ticked a lotta boxes

So of course it opens with the arrival of Team Jonerys at Winterfell...Arya's different looks at Jon/Dany, Sandor, Gendry, and the dragons (<3!) were a highlight. Even more so, Varys & Tyrion. XD Forget prequels, give us a spinoff centered around that comedic duo. (It'd have to be set during earlier times, though, as I'm sure both won't survive. Varys in particular is marked for death. I do not look forward to it. I've had a deep fondness for him since Season 1. Criminally underappreciated is he. Adore Tyrion as well.)

"Almost." So Bran's not quite a man grown, and/or not entirely human anymore. ;p Defo the latter. 8| His new thing is sitting in the courtyard (tellin' me how I'm such a fool--no wait) staring creepily at people. However, thanks be to him for finally being proactively useful and informing Dany of Viserion's fate, plus the imminence of the threat they're facing.
Dany was exceedingly warm and friendly to a frosty Sansa, as we well been knew. Ugh. Honestly. Stfu, Sansa. Stfu, Lyanna! I've been sick and tired of this bull for weeks knowing it was coming. "Whatever they want." -boom- *SNAP* "Maybe you, Sansa." Mmmmhmmm. I mean, like they were gonna ride their army north with no clue what they intended to eat...?? Whatever they've been eating all along that's rarely been necessary to mention, one presumes? Plus there's no way Sansa was unaware of when and why they were coming; it wasn't sprung on her at the last possible minute, they won't be there all that long before the great battle arrives, and procuring desperately-needed materials and allies was Jon's entire express purpose in having headed south IN THE FIRST GD PLACE...! Fuck did you expect?! What do you want?? Death? Why hasn't their stinking food been discussed all along, why is it suddenly this big deal we're meant to assume they don't have—just to give pissy, petulant Sansa something to whinge about in regard to the thousands of people who are arriving prepared to die defending her home? To hell with her. Istg. Haven't liked her since S1 and the final season isn't shaping up brilliantly for her. She can still turn it around though...but I ain't holding my breath. Phuh. Anyway.

So those who've underestimated Sansa and are dead now...aren't really dead thanks to any especially commendable thing she did and her survival's been mostly on luck and the actions of others, but okay, she's got a point regarding Tyrion's trust in Cersei.
Also probably should've let poor Tyrion know how she was whisked away from KL after the Purple Wedding and wasn't just deliberately leaving him there holding the goblet, looking guilty as sin (not that this particular murder was sinful. ;), instead of helping to defend both their innocence.

That Arya/Jon reunion!! ;W; Beautiful. Same hug with her off the ground. Wonder who told her of his fatal stabbing. (Well, lots of basic information has obviously been communicated offscreen...)
Although, Jon thought it was gonna be like old times, but all of a sudden Arya's defending Sansa instead of commiserating about her. "The smartest person I've ever met?" Yuh-huh, sure. Come on, girl, now you're actin' fulla shite. Let's not talk out our asses. ;p She hasn't earned all this aggrandizement. Sansa may have learned from both Cersei and Littlefinger, but she has more in common with the former--neither is as smart as she thinks she is.
Arya and Dany SHOULD get along swimmingly if they had more time to get to know one another. And Arya also should know that Jon wouldn't forget his Starkiness (even if it's less than currently thought!)

Now away to King's Landing...Qyburn's like, "The dead have broken through the Wall! ...This is good?"
"Someone cheated." I am seriously commencing to like Euron. xD What an enjoyable villain. He's not boring; you gotta give him that!
Maybe we can guess at Cersei's favorite Disney movie now, because she is severely let down by the lack of elephants. I'm disappointed too, Cers. Nearly felt sorry for her for a minute there. She's still rocking the Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie haircut, clearly to show that her humiliation didn't actually bother her and she in fact digs this look.
Paw Euwan! ;3; His queen's breaking his heart, and his balls--until she decides to play slightly more on the safe side and give him a chance to win her over with his insolent arrogance. Which seems to work. Only, DOES she already (or still) have a "prince" cooking...from Jaime? ;-x (Have they any awareness of the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome?? Did she simply decline to drink with Tyrion last season, but that wasn't meant as a tip-off?)

"DON'T DO IT BRONN. ...He's gonna do it, innee? Or at least try...?" Pretty much what I was saying aloud. Damn! No wonder we "might not like Bronn so much" this season. Had no idea how Marei was going to show up in the first episode, but there ya go. See, Shae, we don't need you around to have funny whores. We can have this trio chatting about the remains or burnt-off eyelids of Lannister boys. Very lulzy scene. Bronn's choke--"which girl?" The one who offered Qyburn her services...might sound gross, and with Pycelle it totally was, but let's be real. Qyburn is a cute-looking, not unattractive older gentleman. ;p He's grateful to Cersei for taking him in and making him Hand, buuuuut I'd like to see him turn on her at some point. :\ Those fookin' Lannisters!! Can Bronn bring himself to kill Tyrion and Jaime in exchange for his desire? Will he maybe not get a chance before the first great battle begins, and wind up having to just fight for his life? *nailbiting*

GO THEON! How did I possibly *not* think it was him entering Yara's prison-room there? He sneaked up on me. The rescue was quick, thought it might be more difficult--but I knew it had to be gotten out of the way early on. Definitely needed to be accomplished by the second ep. So he receives an appropriate thank-you consisting of a sock to the face and then a hand-up. Figures that he wants to head north to aid the Starks in battle. He does owe them. Not entirely sure how we're liking his odds of survival though. Now I suppose Yara will retreat from the story unless/until the main group DOES need the Iron Islands? Maybe she'll turn up again at the end.

Davos has a sensible idea (would be terrific if Jon & Dany weren't related!) A joint rulership between a just woman and an honorable man. Would be kinda nice for a change, eh?
Aw Varys, y'all ain't that old. Which isn't undesirable anyway. I myself have always preferred the elder gents...*ahem* Dany & Jon might well have been fine with this idea, prior to the big revelation coming out. And even will Dany take the news? For so long her driving purpose has been taking the throne that's rightfully hers. To have that torn from under her will undoubtedly be a huge blow. BUT. She loves Jon. Hasn't smiled so much in a long time. Jon doesn't WANT the bloody throne at any rate. I can so easily see him just ceding it to her, and filling some small council position. All this drama bein' for nothin'.;p

Paw dwagons! Dany casually gets on and does the sexy shoulder thing. Jon's all awkward. And they do the flight from the trailer, where people knew that the riders had been edited out. Aaannnd, that was awesome. Roller coaster! Gimme a mf dragon NOW. I'd ride without a moment's hesitation. One of my greatest wishes is a personal flight device, and a living one would be even cooler.
Could see where that would ruin horses a little. The flight was sort of a genderswapped Whole New World, with two separate magic carpets (who are daring Aladdin to try anything funny with Jasmine. 'Cause she's their mama. Drogon's staredown!! XDD) Or a Buckbeak 'sperience for Jon. Also, Dany's encouragement conveys that anyone can "pilot" a dragon if said dragon is willing and/or the Targaryen rider expresses the wish for it. You can really see the color and size difference between Drogon and Rhaegal when they land by the pertiful waterfall. I like Rhaegal's green. Nice romantic little moment except for a) the Night King would probably find y'all right quick and b) BRAN TELL HIM ALREADY JFC.
Can't see him being down with having engaged in incest, and while it might still seem like nbd to her (having grown up assuming she'd marry her bro), I think she's sufficiently different from her ancestors that she certainly wouldn't be delighted by it.

The Arya/Gendry shipping pot is being stirred. Her order of a dragonglass weapon made for a cute lil scene. The Hound's got himself a big old obsidian axe now, plus a grudging respect for the "cold little bitch" whom I'm hoping winds up helping/saving him somehow during the battles to come.
*cough Cleganebowl get hype cough cough*
And give the Hound EFC: Every Fucking Chicken.

Fuck that Lord Glover. See, Jon's reasoning...of course he bent the knee out of love and gratitude and respect and admiration. It wasn't purely logical, but seemed the thing for him to do after she lost a dragon rescuing their sorry asses. Yes, she'd just promised that they'd work together to defeat the dead ANYway. But he's still right, if those goat-stubborn boobs would just get it through their thick heads that it doesn't fucking matter who holds what title. You named him king (against his own wishes), and a king has the power to use his own judgment and submit to a queen if it seems like a smart move. Now she's like, 200% committed to you guys. She's a queen you'd want. But yes, keep attempting to somehow spin the world's strongest army and two fire-breathing dragons as a raw deal for you. She doesn't have to try and save your ungrateful snotty hides. She’d be fully within her rights to say “fuck y’all,” pack up and peace out to take care of herself, her armies, her pursuit of the throne or return to an extant rulership in Essos.
I get the loyalty and tradition and all that, but ffs, this isn't a normal situation, and if you truly trust your chosen king Jon, then you should by extension be at least willing to let his chosen queen earn your trust. Maybe he could have said “Let’s paint a pretty picture of you for the northern lords and THEN I’ll bend the knee with some warning,” but who ever called him the wisest guy around?

Okay okay, we can modify a little bit here. It *is* probably in Dany's own self-interest to link forces with the North and attempt to defeat the AotD before it expands. It's not a normal army; the more people it slaughters, the bigger it gets. So if Dany doesn't want to rule a continent of undead, she would need to focus on eliminating this threat (at least returning in the nick of time after scaring the northern assholes shitless.) She could kind of ignore everybody else, commanding and being concerned only with her troops. She could let other people fight and then swoop over to burn the bodies (after practicing those evasive aerial maneuvers and getting some damn armor), and/or try to roast the NK himself.

Daenerys risked all and lost a dragon-child in the process of rescuing Jon & co. beyond the wall. She's put her ambition on hold yet again in the face of mankind's possible annihilation--unlike a certain southern queen whose plan is evidently to just hole up and deal with whatever's left. And if what's left is overwhelming numbers of undead people? I suppose she'd do what she nearly did with Tommen at Blackwater, satisfied simply to have been the last living ass on the fucking throne. Dany could probably fuck off back to Essos and resume ruling there, giving up Westeros for lost...hoping that the AotD would be unable to cross the Narrow Sea, and/or defeatable by the large continent of Essos. But yeah, Jon willingly bent the knee after he already had Dany's pledge to defeat the NK together. That speaks volumes on his feelings for and opinion of her. Dany is the kind of queen from whom you needn't WANT independence! Yeah, she's been set on reclaiming "the Seven Kingdoms," and the North's a big one...understandable that she wouldn't want to relinquish it just because...the jerks asked? There's a dumb bitch there who wants her to because "we want to rule ourselves" (aka "I want to rule them and btw, make the North great again." Sansa's qualification being an Associates in PoliSci from CerseiFinger U, the school of backstabbing.) Everybody can't become separate again, as historically; that way lies chaos.

In burning the Tarlys, Dany played by a generous version of the traditional rules. Especially at that time she felt pressure to turn the tide and make strides toward securing the throne--and I can't blame her for thinking that playing perfectly by idealistic standards or your own ideal principles and desired rule changes would fail to get you the chance to ultimately change anything at all.

Your other option is to take them prisoner. *JonTron voice* "You could! You could do that...but why, why would you do that?" You need to find a line between showing your willingness to be merciful, and your willingness to use force when pushed (and boy, was she ever pushed!) Those nincompoops betrayed the amazing Olenna, her ally, for the wicked Cersei. Isn't this kinda how war works? She didn't slaughter the whole army, or even jump straight to this battle in the first place. She'd been patient and generous and was getting screwed over. She offered the two men a win-win situation in which, as D&D themselves said, they somehow stupidly managed to find the "lose." It's valid for her advisors to fear people seeing her as a tyrant by spinning this, but to seriously view it as a stepping stone to tyranny holds her to an unfair standard. At any rate she couldn't possibly be worse than Cersei unless they thrust her drastically out-of-character or out of her mind.

Sam and Dany, what was he doing when they arrived, why hadn't he and Jon reunited already? Such a sweet start, but then catch Sam overreacting to the fate of Dickon & Randyll. Pretty much Dickon. (Still can't say that without snickering. Randyll was a cruel, cruel man. Now gimme summa that Kentucky Fried Dickon!) I mean, c'mon my dude. Your dad was one of the biggest pieces of shit in the seven kingdoms, traitorous scum...and Dick was just dumb. Thanks, Dan. It's a shock, to be sure. But now you get to be Lord of Horn Hill! If ya'd like. <:-} Oh wait, unless the maester/NW thing disqualifies you; then Idk, your mum'd be Lady?? Anyhow, didn't think that executing prisoners who refused your reasonable, even generous, offer would be such a sticking point. (Would it have even been brought up again on the show had anybody else done it?) Then again, maybe for someone like Sam it sorta is, and it -was- predicted that they'd use this to feed the Jon/Dany split. Guess there's the principle of the matter--Dany didn't know just how big a douchebag Randyll was, and Dickon especially didn't really *deserve* it even though he stupidly chose it for his stupid self. He was the one that couldn't just be laughed off with "At least I'll be allowed home." They were half his family, despite the lack of love on the paternal side. At this moment he discovers that any chance of any sort of resolutions there is gone. Luckily he still has (for now!) the people he cares for most--Gilly, Little Sam, his mom & sis. Gilly didn't make an appearance yet, but she's safe for the moment (and will evidently be in the crypts during the fighting.)

But yeah, hopefully they'll consider Daenerys' position at the time and understand her decision. The Tarlys made their choice. She didn't want to tell Sam, but knew it was the right thing to do. Maybe she can agree to be more willing to take less-than-cooperative prisoners on occasion; Tyrion and Varys would also find that approach more pragmatic. (I mean, they should've told her as much already.) They're going for "historian Sam wonders what a little blip like this could indicate for the future of her reign," which I won't hold against him despite my fear of Dany becoming a mad tyrant being close to nil. I get his upset, and the immediate response of "Oh you're that kind of leader," but it's as if he forgot everything else he knows of her. And as I've also said a million times, IF Dany does go mad, I would fully expect it to be for reasons beyond her control.

Sooo, that led straight into the big reveal to Jon, finafuckingly. Sam stumbles painfully into the crypt (did they use up their comedy quota for the season in the first episode?! Might've had to.) Dun dun dun, Jon Snow's Aegon Targaryen. Dun dun dun, he's the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms and heir to the Iron Throne. Dun. Dun. DUN.
Poor Jon kept trying to be all light and fun and friendly with people, but it just wasn't to be. xD;

"I'VE ALWAYS HAD BLUE EYES!" In a very dangerous position over at Last Hearth, Tormund+Beric+Edd and co. give us a horror-movie-style scene. Little Lord Umber's pinned to the wall at the center of a spiral of bloody severed limbs. Mmm. As Tormund speaks, you see the eyes open behind him, and then comes the screeching and Beric has to stab him and the spiral goes up in flames and :O 'Tis a message. But all's that can be said is, the horses better last.
Lastly, mah boi Jaime arrives, hops off his horse, and is immediately locked into the three-eyed raven's stare. But it's generally expected that Bran will dismiss the push as something that was necessary or fated to happen, while certain other people may not do so as easily once/if they learn. He may be referring to Jaime as his "friend" for inadvertently setting him on his path. ;p (Unless Theon is the "old friend?") In any event, next week will surely lead off with Jaime. Apparently Viserys had had plans for the kingslayer--although don't you imagine Dany then shifting her tone, considering what Jaime will have to say for himself and what she knows of Aerys? ;p Jaime's going to be accepted into their forces, clearly. Whatever he's done, they still want/need his help even if the dragonpit-summit truce is over. Same thing with Theon.

They'll learn of Cersei's betrayal, Dany & Sansa will talk...there'll be Arya's "I look forward to seeing this one" quote...sympathetic Dany visiting broody Jon in the crypts, Dany shutting her eyes, all these other shots from the trailer that was mainly the first two eps. So how will everybody react to the Aegon revelation--if it's out, yet, and believed? That oughta be the second ep. But then, it looks as if they'll run out of time and have to start practicing/readying for battle? The Grey Worm/Missandei kiss, Jorah on his horse with Heartsbane (presumably?) Does episode 2 end with a massive arrival-of-the-walkers cliffhanger? Because we know that episode 3 and possibly some of 4 is the kee-razy "Battle of Winterfell," but #3 isn't supposed to be *all* battle, so I didn't expect it to *start* with battle? But we'll have to see how that all plays out."How long do we have before the sun comes up tomorrow?" :@@@
"The sun'll come out, tomorrow..." 
If Dany is going to have a baby, that may have to wait 'til the latter half of the eps.

Were Brienne and Pod even in this one? She was standing behind Sansa in the still of her meeting Daenerys, so she must've been present with no lines, but I didn't even notice her. Sure she'll be vouching for Jaime (along with Tyrion & Bran, likely?) We were supposed to see Edmure and Robin according to that early cast list that was purported to likely be correct, but it was inaccurate since it also indicated Melisandre would be in the premiere. Obviously she and the Night King will be back in #3 at the latest. I suppose Edmure and Robin (with Lord Royce) will turn up at some point, probably briefly. Jaqen, Daario, and Meera also feel like people who could pop in again before it's all said and done. Oh, and it goes without saying we're gonna get some Ghost+Nymeria wolfpack action goin' on.

Anyhoo. We haven't lost anyone yet, but we're only the shortest intro episode into the season. It was bound to be all this table-setting that you could see coming.
The pace is urgent now; there's no more room for anything remotely resembling filler. The threat that's been looming for years is finally bearing down upon them all. I'm thinking that from the third episode on, it'll be almost wholly unpredictable. And thank the Lord of Light those eps will be longer. Let's just erase every other day of the week through the end of May.

"What do dragons eat, anyway?" "McGillicuddys."
  "And gems. Can't forget gems!"--Spike

Saturday, April 6, 2019

GoT S8 Premiere Style (NYC+Belfast!)

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EW afterparty 
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Glamstone clips

Mum & I enjoyed fashion-critiquing the GoT S8 premiere...finally got a chance to jot down the overall impressions.

Les Ladies:

Gwendoline: Okay, so it was pretty much unanimous that Gwen owned this one, serving that big billowy butterfly look. The sheer dress' colors were springy yet subdued, and it looked nice enough just hanging, but then whoosh--that flash factor she loves to rock. Fab. Hair was good, face was good. Solid. We both had the same easily-named top two.
Carice: OH MY GODDESS. An elegant pure-white gown befitting a pure angel. That milky, flowing fabric just yearns to be touched, ugh...and the sort of art deco-esque top & shoulders...mauve clutch, red nails, her fave little rings...mwah! Gorgeous dress for an always-gorgeous lady. The way she stood out recalls Victoria in "Cats." (Not to mention her puffy gold afterparty dress. Or the gorge long blue velvet one with the lace-up boots. Or the peplum suit for the BUILD interview--AH! Gurrrrl, lemme breathe, like damn.) Utter perfection.
Nathalie: I'm all about neon, so I tend to like bold eye-catching colors. And the large layers of poofy ruffles are pretty neat.
Hannah: Style's fairly typical, classic and prom-esque. Okay. Not my fave, except for the lemon-yellow. That's what does it for me. Like a yellow tang. 8D
Emilia: Not feeling the makeup so much; in certain lighting it combined with the top of the dress to create an almost clownish effect. Writing "Leave your door open, I might sleepwalk into your arms" across the top was a rather bizarre choice. Basically what makes it work is the color and the sheer, billowing ruffles (although Gwen's outshone hers.)
Maisie: I like the bottom; the bottom 2/3 is pretty fun. Deserves a better top. Mum's probably right that she and Sophie should switch due to their heights.
Rose: The new red woman. A botanical dress of fronds and fishnet-ish material. Given the description I should love it more than I do. Culturess remarked that it was tablecloth-like, so yeah, maybe that's it.
Esme: Perdy dress. Doesn't rival some of the aforementioned, but it's good.
Indira: At first I wasn't sure. Like the fuchsia/chocolate color combo. The pants are wide for my taste, but all right. The top's interesting and grew on me somewhat. There seems to be some Indian-style influence to the look or something. Definitely unique.
Sibel: Mm, is noice. She too looked noice.
Natalie: Also nothing too terribly special, but fine. Top's the best bit. All-black and just a bit understated, though not in a way that ends up being one of the standout looks. Hair could've been better. And of course, always always with the :-3 face. xD
Sophie: She always seems to go out of her way to dress "differently"--whether being the only one in a shorter dress, or the only one wearing a sweatshirt and ball cap when everyone else is formal, or doing that bright red blazer/thigh-high black boots thing to a wedding. (I'd have dug that getup, which was not inaccurately dubbed hookerish and inappropriate, for a less proper occasion. Like, shopping or some activity you could dress up for but don't necessarily need to. Candy apple red plus Team Rocket boots--the elements making it work on any level.) Anyway, her premiere dress did little for us (or her.) Struck me as a cheapish-looking prom dress. The skirt was the best part, and it wasn't excellent. The hair and raccoon makeup didn't help too much.

Les dudes:

Conleth: Harder to pick favorite suits than dresses, so I more considered just how they looked overall. And whoohoo, DAT HEDDA HAIR! Okay, I actually find him attractive as chrome-dome Varys, but oh my, that silver. #swoon #immersedinthirst (Actually those tags will apply to quite a number of these men.) Conleth just looked damn good, what can I say? And Mums was in full agreement.
Nikolaj: The subtle floral pattern spruced up what would otherwise be one of the ordinary black tuxes. Good thinking. And I just noticed that that ties in with Gwen's springy floral.
Hafthor: Can't be easy to make clothes for The Mountain, much less dress clothes. Sure, he might still look as if he's gonna Hulk out of his shirt any moment, but they did a nice job crafting something for him that does stand out and look smart and classy.
Kristian: Points for the unique jacket. Very marching-band. I think the animals are horses rather than dragons, but there are way more horses in the show, so. ;p
Liam: Lookin' sharp, Daddio.
Kristofer: This man is Tormund irl. A beautiful ginger with a handkerchief matched to his wife's dress. Looked to be having a fine time.
Iain: Ma pointed out his lack of tie, which I was a bit too distracted by Teh Hansumz to notice.
Pilou: "Impale me like one of your Danish (or Dornish) girls, Euron..."
Richard: The minor variations on basic formal menswear continue, as does the immersion. #ImmersedInThirst
Rory: *howl* Really, the personalities on some of these guys (especially him, Conleth, Kristofer, Liam, Pilou...) just make you want so badly to know them personally.
Charles: #DapperDaddy #FreakiestGrinEver
Sean: Yes.
Kit: Yep. Broody bastard. Even with the shorter curls. And Ma dislikes all the tapered legs, though that doesn't bother me.
John: Cute in a teddy-bear kind of way. There's that trademark quizzical Sam 'spression as always. xD
Daniel: "How YOU doin'? Betcha'd like to know what I done to them hoes."
Joe: Thumbs up.
Alfie: Best Theon's ever looked!
Jacob: Grey Worm in grey. :D
Mark: GODS HE WAS STRONG THEN. YOUR MOTHER WAS A DUMB WHORE WITH A FAT ASS. GO FIND THE BREASTPLATE STRETCHER! Gods, I love Bobby B. Look, the checked blazer and the shirt are unbuttoned, but all that really matters here is him having a blast. And being one of the men in blue. Overall there was an above-average variety of dudewear.
Jack: The Joffs had it goin' on...xDD
Aidan: I liked when he did his little Nat-D sneer-smirk.
George: "Keep jiggling, Peggy, keep jiggling." Just keep swimming. Keep fucking that chicken. Every fucking chicken. EFC. KFC. Kentucky Fuckin' Chicken. The hell was I talking about?
Pedro: Messy hair, dint care.
Petey Dinks: Eh, bit mismatchy. Aiight buttons. 
Jason: Well, he sure does love his blush color. And those big rings. But the casual-looking jacket didn't impress for a red carpet (nor did Lisa...)
Jerome: I can only assume that he threw this patchwork of blues together at the last minute when he heard Lena wasn't going to be there, and thought "Why tf not?" Unless she knew he was going and decided to play sick. Which honestly she very well may have done anyway, since this kind of event isn't exactly her bag. You'd think she truly would have wanted to join the others for the final premiere though--but anyhow. The grey Converse were Bronn-esque in their disregard for fancy-lad stuff. The plaids and solid blue would probably tie together better with dark dress shoes. They're kinda creative. But oy, the sneaks...

And then there's the stage lineup. Height comparisons are fun...although they’d only be totally valid if everyone were shoeless. But still. When I look at this pic, I actually hear not the GoT theme but the tune of "Into the Woods." I see everyone joining hands, bowing, and then turning slightly to extend a hand toward the audience. x’3 Because I’ve watched ITW so many bloody times it’s permanently seared into my memory. (And boy howdy, could Carice be the Witch in that show!) 8D

Also, I see Jonathan Pryce (the High Sparrow!) He must have been very late to the red carpet or something because I’ve only seen a couple shots of him. The absence of people like Wlaschiha, Huisman, or Kendrick could be cause for concern, but I prefer to hope they were kept away deliberately for the sake of surprise...

We HAVE to see Dolorous Edd & Hot Pie again.

Don’t suppose there’s any real significance to the order they’re standing...all I know is there are at least a dozen potential man sandwiches I certainly would not mind being in the center of. Beside one another are the brothers Clegane (get hype...!), Meli & Varys, Sam & Gilly, Brienne & Jaime (get Tormund over there too!), Dany & Jon, the other Stark kids, Missandei & Grey Worm...and the dead guys are on the sides.

Poor Jorah should be closer to Dany. Well, a few people should. Not everybody is next to the character(s) with whom they’re most connected.


...And then on the 12th was the Euro premiere in Belfast.
Smaller and with somewhat more understated outfits for the most part, but still fun.

Poor little Carice was ill again, but thankfully felt well enough in time to attend. She went from solid white in NY to solid black--hair pulled back, with an overall look that gave me "stern professor/headmistress/matriarch" vibes. But adorably, since she's way too damn cute. Her clutch looks exactly like mine, minus the Goofy Movie VHS box print. I don't love the dress/look as much as the NY one, but it's still gorgeous and well-coordinated. The silver earrings and neck/shoulder button thingies, the large belt, the rings, the way the sleeves narrow, the side-gathered ruffles...the way her toes naturally curve to fit perfectly on shoes??? Truly flawless lady who's never less than striking.

Speaking of under-the-weatherness, I still think Lena just didn't want to go, or be in proximity to Jerome. Who's still got something against dress shoes. xD At least the sneakers matched the outfit this time.

Gemma finally made an appearance, in a pretty silky dress with matching clutch and shoes.
Kerry showed up too, in a feathery little black number and cool clear shoes. Shireen has apparently forgiven Melisandre (because honestly, getting burned at the stake by her would be an honor. I'd thank her.)
Nathalie looked nice in bejeweled, single-shouldered black as well. Certainly not my favorite dress, but okay.
Hannah went for a very similar dress in another standout color (royal blue.)
Mophie looked much better this time around. Maisie's dress was prommy and pretty, in a pale orchid color that coordinated with the mauve hair. Sophie's white dress resembles Carice's from NY (though I love the latter much more.) It's definitely more elegant than her black NY one (they traded colors, lol.) Then she apparently changed into a white tee and shiny bright-red pleather pants that look exactly like my shiny bright-red pleather bucket hat and swing jacket. 8D
And Carice served as photographer for people. x'-}

Then there was Ben (Dolorous Eddyyyyy!!) The men's suits were really nothing to write home about this time, just typical, but the abounding handsomeness created eye candy nonetheless. ;p
Conleth, Richard, Liam, Kit, Pilou, John, pinstriped Joe, Jacob, Isaac...most of the guys looked nice in black or navy.