So weird seeing giant-size Twilight with the ever-flowing, ethereal queenly-princess hair. And buff grown-up Spike. o.O Sooo, wait a sec. This means Twilight is gonna outlive everypony else? What's the lifespan of one of these uber-princesses? Surely Silver Shoals isn't just the Equestrian version of Shady Pines? Pinkie apparently married and had a foal with Cheese. What about everypony else? (Rainbow & Soarin'? Twilight & Flash? Rarity &...Idk, did she ever find herself a "prince?" What about Applejack and Fluttershy? Just wondering. I myself have no desire for marriage or kids, yet somehow I do love pairing up characters and envisioning offspring. xD It certainly isn't necessary, though.) Guessing from the undereye lines and grey in certain manes that the mane six (save for Twi?) are supposed to be in the equivalent of their 50s/60s in this future with Luster Dawn (oooooh, her hair PERDY.) Not yet the 70s/80s/90s of a Granny Smith-style pony. Speaking of whom...they must have passed on by that point. ;.;
Anyway, I loved pausing to see who all featured in the series finale, or at least were pictured behind the mane six in the end. Highlights weerrre...
-Starlight's role was awesome; she kicked flank. And Trixie. :3
-Lemon Hearts! (Twi, why were you confused? You know her...she's one of your old Ponyville friends...)
-Sandbar's family looks cool. The dreadlocked surfer dad especially. xD Although, I do have to ask...Sandbar...did you...move in with Yona in the future? As in like, a couple? I'm sorry, I just...A, how does that interspecies stuff even work, and B...I didn't ship it when he asked her to the dance. They're friends and it's great, but I just can't see that. And I mean, of all the pretty ponies, Sandy...! [Even though we don’t really know others we can be sure are comfortably close to your own age, which must be...early college-ish? Just graduated high school and majoring in, ughhh, friendship? Wtf, really, Twi. Neighsay was so right to say “neigh” to this dumb idea, but it’s Equestria and here we are. Just call it diplomacy.] Sounds shallow, I know, but really, of all ponies or creatures...:/ The Young Six were all cool throughout the episodes though.
-Anywho. Speaking of SHIPPING...put Neighsay with Snapdragon, 'cause she's my ponysona, baby. >;3
-And PLEASE tell me Maud & Mudbriar had kids. ;_; Equestria needs little thems for sure. x3 Maud is tied with Limestone for Best Pie.
-Love the preeeeeetty curly-haired Pegasus who was leading them ("Cotton Sky?" Might not be official, but...) Nice to see that she and "Winter Lotus" (perdy earth pone) are actually friends. Also liked Miss "You-Better-Fix-This" and other angry earth ponies. x->
-Fleur de Lis & Sassy Saddles!
-Was Firelight there or did I imagine it? I know Stellar Flare was.
-Flim & Flam, fightin' with the good guys! ^o^ :'}
-Gordon Ramsay pony when Big Mac was dropping off the second box
-Coloratura "Ra-Ra!" Cherry Jubilee! Pear Butter, Vapor Trail, Stygian & the Pillars, Big Bucks, Hoity-Toity!
-NEEDED MORE SUNSET SHIMMER...she was briefly glimpsed behind Twilight at the end of the final song, but they made that backdrop so difficult to see anyway.
-Twist...but OMFG, WTFH, THAT IS NOOOOT WHAT TWIST LOOKS LIKE AS A MARE. This is my biggest gripe. Just because she was a bit taller and leaner (and more elegant :p) than the other fillies doesn't mean she's destined to have a more awkward shape like that. #dafuq She'd basically look like my ponysona--same bright curly red hair, way better than it was drawn in the finale. Replace her with the real mare-Twist right now; that's an order.
-Lyra Heartstrings, all the usual Ponyville residents...the floral trio, Strawberry Sunrise, Cherry Berry...Moondancer, Tempest Shadow, the various factions (Ember & the dragons [Fume! :D Cinders!], hippogriff/seaponies, etc. Featherweight and lots of relatives & friends from all throughout the series; the mane six's families (just the main Apples and no Oranges though, sob...gotta love Peachy Sweet, Apple Brown Betty, Apple Split, Jonagold, Aunt Orange, Lady Justice, etc...)
-Doc Top (no Post Haste or Nursery Rhyme)
-Spitfire & the Wonderbolts & other Pegasi ofc (Fleetfoot, Cloud Kicker, etc.) Quibble Pants w/ Clear Sky & Wind Sprint.
-Sweetie Belle actually looks the best of the CMC as an adult (she was always my third-fave. She's still cool.)
Shame, though, that so many of the beautiful blind-bag and brushable ponies never made it into the show (or even a bloody comic) for a single wee barely-there cameo. I have loads of approximately organized/ranked images of all of them on Pinterest. (Bloody grand idear: Let's do a future film using as many as possible for characters. I volunteer as Feathermay!)
And speaking of the comics, they included some pretty awesome characters themselves (e.g., AURORA MUFFIN, Cauldron Bubbles, Gilded Lily, Thestra, Rhoda Ruby, Goldcap, Pumpkin Twizzle, Java Bolt...)
Who else would I have most hoped to see pop up in the end, but I don't believe did?
Lightning Dust. Other Equestria Girls characters (the Dazzlings, Crystal Prep girls & Cinch, Gloriosa, Juniper, Timber...esp. Adagio, Aria, Lemon Zest, Sour-Sweet, Sugarcoat!) Cloudchaser/Stormwalker & Flitter. Harshwhinny. Prim Hemline (First Folio & one of Scoots' cool aunts reminded me of her in the face.) Buttonbelle (good twin of Suri.) Photo Finish. Torch Song. Pretzel. Coconut Cream (who is apparently the pastel magenta/green/yellow-haired daughter of the neon fuchsia/lime/yellow-haired Coconut Cream.) Fire Flare. Lighthoof & Shimmy Shake. Sans Smirk. Silver Shill. Blossomforth. All "new favorite characters" marked in blog from recent seasons; bowling/80s/Crystal ponies, delegates, Manehattan residents/boutique customers & employees/Photo Finish or spa assistants, Golden Harvest/Carrot Top/other fave Ponyville residents...guess that'd cover it pretty well. xD
...and now the DVR is replaying the show from the beginning. It's on Look Before You Sleep. x3
Oh right, S9 fave episodes:
The first 2+last 3!
Between Dark and Dawn
Student Counsel
The Summer Sun Setback (Love ya, Chrysalis...xD)
Growing Up Is Hard to Do
Sweet and Smoky
And least, probably: A Trivial Pursuit, She's All Yak, & The Last Crusade in a way
Oh damn, the pony creator V. 3 is gone! Wanted to design what Twist-a-Loo actually looks like as a mare...which is a lot like Snapdragon/me as an earth pony in her ivory/eggshell color. Because of course the curly-redhead was lean and leggy and svelte while her classmates were still short and squat and dumpy. She’ll be a gorge adult, not this “hurrdy-durr, gangly nerd” look. -_-