Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day, and May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

And flavor.

Ran a few Hunger Games simulations with the districts represented by Pokemon pairings.
(You could also easily do it with other pairs of known parents [James', Brock's, May's/Max's, Lana's, Sophocles', Kiawe's, Goh's, Chloe's...])

A few highlights: Cassidy, Faba, and Ash cheerfully sing songs together. (Then Cassie stalks Faba. xD Um, Butch had already been killed despite her best efforts to keep him alive, which was naturally her #1 aim, and vice versa.) Nando, Faba, and Shelly cheerfully sing songs together. Faba questions his sanity. Then he and Shelly hold hands. The winner is Shelly from District 4! (FIGURES she’d be the victor.) ~ Lillie throws a knife into Kiawe's head. (It gives Sophocles food-related ones, starting with "gathers as much as he can"...hmmm. Then he injures himself.) Delia and Mr. Mime tell stories about themselves to each other. Burnet bashes Winona's head against a rock several times. Kukui with the 'splosives. Lusamine strangles Mr. Mime after engaging in a fist fight (but is then eaten by wolf mutts along with Archie and Lana.) Jupiter is the victor, but Dawn won for the most kills. ~ Sophocles breaks Jupiter's nose for a basket of bread. Prof. Oak accidently steps on a landmine. Tupp severely injures Wallace and leaves him to die. Dawn forces Kenny to kill Looker or Jupiter. He decides to kill Looker. Mr. Tabitha quietly hums. Dawn taints Lusamine's food, killing her. Kukui defeats Dawn, but throws her in the water to make sure she dies. (Then he picks flowers. Then Tupp kills him with a sword.) Clemont wins. ~ Mallow sets Lillie on fire with a molotov. Kukui, Mallow, and Winona get into a fight. Mallow triumphantly kills them both. Jupiter forces Clay to kill Mr. Tabitha or Mohn. He refuses to kill, so Jupiter kills him instead. (She then gets dragged down by Oak and killed by monkey mutts.) Elesa and Rapp are pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts. Kiawe injures Mallow and leaves her for the monkey mutts. Wallace attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Tupp, killing them both. Kenny silently snaps Burnet's neck. And wins (Rapp and Oak got most kills.)