Monday, November 9, 2015


Because in the past I've attempted again and again to do this and wound up with lists of 50-100+...let's just glance over the poster on my wall & narrow this bitch once and for all...

1. Saluki
2. Poodle
3. Irish Water Spaniel
4. Curly-Coated Retriever
Bedlington Terrier
6. Russian Toy (the Phalène-like longhair)
7. Chinese Crested
Borzoi 🩵
9. Afghan hound
10. Kuvasz 🤍
11. Scottish Deerhound (<3 wolfhound too)
12. Cirneco Dell'Etna
Pharaoh hound
14. Ibizan hound
15. Italian Greyhound
16. Whippet
17. Greyhound

18. Sloughi
19. Azawakh
20. Silken Windhound (or Tazy/Tazi/Tasy, Taigan...🤔)

[Obviously all the sighthounds+lurchers/longdogs. ;p And obviously basically limiting to breeds currently at least in the AKC Misc. class or Foundation Stock Service...there are similar & related ones NOT recognized by them yet at all which I also love, but this cutoff prevents me from attempting the impossible task of like, approximately ranking all 400+ or whatever...;p]

...Beauty unmatched and unsurpassed. +D And some of the most diverse of breeds, too. 
e.g., the Crested--from ugliest-dog contenders to exquisite stunning beauties. ^3

Can continue (e.g., several other terriers [esp. Irish & Skye], all 3 German pointers [esp. wirehair & longhair], Munsterlanders, Kooikerhondje, Pyr-Shep, Maremma Sheepdog, smooth Collie, Kromfohrlander, Dachsie, Lagotto Romagnolo, Staby/Wetterhoun, Barbet & Spanish/Portuguese Water Dogs [watery doggos w/ 'water' in their names be kewl], AWS...scores more for one reason or another)...but it would again go literally on and on forever until nearly all of the hundreds of breeds ever to exist were sorta-ranked. >p<
"Because reasons": #Kooikerhondje #Kromfohrlander #PyreneanShepherd #MaremmaSheepdog #GermanWirehairedPointer #GermanLonghairedPointer #IrishTerrier #SkyeTerrier #TibetanSpaniel #LhasaApso #TibetanTerrier #Dachshund #StandardSchnauzer #KerryBlueTerrier #WireFoxTerrier #Pomeranian #SilkyTerrier #AmericanEskimoDog #[toy]manchesterterrier #germanpinscher #BelgianLaekenois #SpanishWaterDog #Pumi #Mudi #SmoothCollie #AustralianCattleDog #LagottoRomagnolo #Barbet #Stabyhoun #Wetterhoun #Munsterlander #FrenchSpaniel #DrentschePatrijshond #Pudelpointer #AmericanFoxhound #Porcelaine #Drever #CatahoulaLeopardDog #PeruvianIncaOrchid #DutchShepherd #SmoothFoxTerrier #Jagdterrier #ChapaneseJin ~ #Beagle #BluetickCoonhound #Brittany #GreatDane #Mastiff #BerneseMountainDog #GoldenRetriever #Bloodhound #Maltese ...SEE 5/15/23 COMMENT.
[characters of all kinds everywhere...all the PiMPs & other plastic/plush pals who're faves due to their unusual coloration, outstanding & remarkable designs/names, less common breeds, similarities to other faves, connections to ones I ever viewed as remarkable for any reason...tended to marry them to/pair them with top faves]

See, top 75 or so [AKCs] is totally doable! ^w~
This remains too true. And can you get in on co-owning lots of dogs? x-3 Like, "Kinda feelin' these breeds, anybody out there lookin' to share doggy care?" Guess there's also always breed rescue/fostering, adopting older adults/seniors...not having to get tons of puppies...even though I'd certainly have preferences and appreciate choice...

Aaaaand, for my cat list...Top 20:
  1. Cornish Rex
  2. Oriental
  3. Selkirk Rex
  4. LaPerm
  5. American Wirehair
  6. Nebelung
  7. Turkish Angora
  8. Khao Manee
  9. Russian Blue (& Shorthair)
  10. Korat
  11. Chartreux
  12. Balinese
  13. Bombay
  14. Havana Brown
  15. Devon Rex
  16. Australian Mist
  17. Siamese
  18. Egyptian Mau
  19. Norwegian Forest Cat
  20. Savannah
 The top two cats are pretty solid...but eh, you can shake the (cat) and (dog) lists up at least a bit.


  1. Some overall Westminster #WKCDogShow 2019 thoughts:

    Very dark Bluetick who looked more like Bluebell than they usually do.
    Beagle looked like Jack, just taller. x3
    Loved all the sighthounds, especially my Saluki <3 and Gigi, Julep, Adira...the Affie...

    How did the Toy judge (who was shiny like the Silky terrier xD) bypass that perfect, gorgeous Crested?! Looked perfect to me anyway. #mylittlepony As always the Iggie & Toy Pood were my other two faves.
    "The Maltese's sole purpose is to be a companion..." MOLLY YOU HAD ONE JOB. (And you chose evil. Cersei Lannister in dog form.)
    Don't typically see black & tan Brussels Griffons; that was nice. I always like seeing the less common colors.

    For Non-Sporting I liked the Poods & Tibbies (esp. Spaniel) & Lhasa as usual, but the Xolo & "Skippy" were adorable as well.

    For Herding I was a fan of the Pumi, corded Pyrenean (first time I've seen that!), Icelandic, Smoothie, ACD, & particularly, that cuuuute Spanish Water Doggo.

    Surprised and pleased by the first 4 "upset" wins. Guess the Dachshund is my pick, but the Schip & Bouvier are cool. And the Havanese is cute.

    Schippy was disqualified due to ownership conflict--AW! Well, Dachshund remains my pick, now with the big blackie (Bouvier) as reserve. ;p Still, I think they should change the rules so that the group second can take the DQ'd dog's place! Why not? Especially if they were aware of this conflict and the dog's ineligibility for BIS, that was unfair...the second-place winner could've had a chance at the top prize...

    Sporting faves: Cutie Kooiker, Lagotto, German pointers (esp. wire), wirehaired Vizsla--and my top 2, the Curly & IWS, as ALWAYS. And the Britt, esp. because of Rusto. Happy for the hilarious lil' Sussex, esp. since there was no Clumber-- although despite being rare (yet extremely popular with the crowd...), Stump did win within very recent memory...
    We could totally pass our Golden/Bernese cross off as a purebred Flat-Coated Retriever--and it wouldn't technically be a lie, since he IS a retriever with a flat coat...;D

    Working: Well, all very typical picks except for my Kuvasz in 3rd, at least...but the Boxer does have a very confident attitude & regal bearing. Anatolian had come in looking rather unimpressed with his competition too. Also rather liked the Schnauzies, German Pinscher, Gr8er Swissie, & fawn Dane (like Case-face...)

    Terrier faves: BEDLINGTON!!, Irish, Skye (drop ears! like Corey), Kerry, the Foxes, Mini-Schnauz (pourin' one out for Nipper!), Manchester, Sealy, Wheaten. Well, two of them got 3rd & 4th. And okay, while I do like Wire Foxes...holy shit, they've got FOURTEEN BIS wins already. Wtf, man...let's see some others take the group, damnit...and why do the gorge Bedlies always get passed?!?!? Augh! Well, anyway. Why should I worry, why should I care...*hops atop a car*

  2. BIS picks: 1) Longhair Dachshund (head reminds me somewhat of my celestial goddess Ulla--same colors) 2) Bouvier des Flandres (stupid sexy Flanders) 3) Havanese 4) Sussex 5) WFT? Or Boxer...since there's no more Schipper (who probably would've been #2 or 3 actually)

    Guess this is how it'd be if they dissolved the Non-Sporting group, as I think they could do. Most could fit in Sporting, Toy, or Working. Poodles, ESPECIALLY the Standard, SHOULD be in Sporting.
    Dachsie Burns is "eeexcellent." Wilma the Boxer & King the WFT messed up the all-B-names thing tho.

    Havanese got Reserve, and Wire Fox got BIS...again. OMFG. The 15th time?! Why did I have a feeling. XD Well, congrats to King. Not nearly as exciting at this point as the Dachsie or Bouvier would've been though. Just, how are WFT breeders consistently achieving so much greater conformation "perfection" than eeeeeverybody else? What is their secret?

    Lotsa Poodies in the Agility preliminaries. One named Sansa...points awarded for GoT reference, but docked because Pood deserves better. Call her Arya! (Like the Swedish Vallhund...)

    It's just unbelievable that the Mastiff and the Italian Greyhound are the same species...and yet, in other categories you can have two virtually identical animals be designated as separate species due to some miniscule anatomical difference that would only matter to a scientist, or because they live in two different areas...XD I find that fascinating. Canis lupus familiaris is by far the most diverse species on the planet.
    And when you think about the hundreds more breeds that there are, but most likely only exist in tiny numbers in their native long would the shows have to be if the major kennel clubs recognized all, like, 400+? xD

  3. Other fave Sloppy-Kiss Card dogs:

    Chinese Crested
    Russian Spaniel
    Dutch Partridge Dog
    Tibetan Spaniel
    Lhasa Apso
    Tibetan Terrier
    Dachshund (2 smooth, 1 long, 1 wire)
    Schnauzer (4)
    Irish Terrier
    American Eskimo Dog
    Australian Cattle Dog
    Kerry Blue Terrier
    Wire Fox Terrier (2)
    German Shorthaired Pointer
    Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
    Entlebucher Mountain Dog
    Australian Terrier

    Other critchers & kitties:

    Blue-eyed white Cornish Rex+green-eyed white cat+Russian Blue.
    Dart frog (blue & black), flamingo, fish (porcupine, etc.), Friesian, Appaloosa, snake, camel, crab, squirrel, armadillo, snail, peacock, swan, parrots, ostrich, owl, chicken, vultures, cheetah, rabbit, rodents, koala, zebra, leopard, lynx, goat, tarantula, walrus, etc.

  4. Westminster 2020: #WinnerThePood! Would've been better to have two top doggos from more-unusual-to-have-as-first-prize-winner favorite breeds o' mine, but at least the Big-Pood and Hwhippy-pippet are both on me list. So I kinda hadda be cheering hardest for 'em. The Hound group judge was attuned to me too--picked out four sighthounds, included the Borzoi & Beagle in the final cut. I had another order though (Saluki!, Affie, Deer, Whip.)
    So lemme see now, the 144 Westminster Bests since 1907 have been divided among 44 breeds--and there are now 204 breeds total. 160 of the currently eligible breeds have never won the top prize. Always fun when you can subtract from that.

  5. One of my qualms with "doodles" is that, pretty much unless the cross is with one of my other top breeds, you're just degrading the Pood...xD;

  6. Pet peeve #958372651: adding “doodle” to part of a breed’s name if it’s crossed with a Poodle. The first D in Labradoodle comes from Labrador, dumbass. That's a perfect splicing. A Golden/Poodle cross would be a Goldenoodle or a Goldoodle, but not a "Goldendoodle." #whatthegoddamnshittyfuck

  7. Gloorrrrious woofers @ the NDS, especially in the crop of sighthounds...esp. my 'luki & 'zoi...and DEERHOUND VICTORY FOR HICKORY'S GRANDDAUGHTER, WHOOOOT WHOOOOOT!
    They pretty much all look like noble, elegant, graceful gentlemen, but whatcha gonna do. ^w^

  8. #wkcdogshow 2021:
    -Holy hell, all this #Westminster doggy footage!! Suppose it makes up for the first night not being on Fox for some up-fucked reason...
    -That the gorgeous Bedlington didn't even place was an disgraceful crime. Lots of handsome terriers as always, but COME TF ON. D-x
    -Results felt like every show for the past several years. (Was more exciting as a kid when I knew less about the top dogs & they didn't spoil you ahead of time by focusing on favored ones.) Had to root for Bourbon again since obviously the Whippet was my favorite breed of the seven/only one in my top 20. But all were cute because, dogs...cookies & cream GSP, Samy, Westie, Frenchie, Conor, and the victorious Wasabi. (I mean, not the cutest or prettiest breed but if it were a beauty pageant the Saluki and the rest of my faves-list would do all the winning...! >;3)
    -OH AND WHY NO KUVASZ--one that constantly gets passed over and this time didn't have any chance...!! ;0; Come to think of it I saw no Kooiker either...?? What was goin' on...
    -Dad was creeped out by the "millipede" Skye (whom I loved. ;3) "You don't know what he's doin' under there...!" xD
    -Preference: For manpoods to have fuzzy faces (exceptions like Pierre) & ladypoods to have smooth. Lady IWS to have smooth top of neck (underside.)
    -The Curly is the raciest and most elegant retriever. Why're they always saying that about the Flattie?
    -Our Golden/Berner cross could be entered as a Flattie if not for the lack of necessary pedigree papers. (And the fact that people breed such crosses to sell for outrageous Fred's case twice the cost of my purebred show champ Saluki...means that Casey the initially-supposed "Gr8 Dane" having come to resemble a Dane/Mastiff cross AND having been bred several times based on the vet's emergency-pyometra-spay uterine analysis, isn't too unlikely.) Also recall how we once considered a Flattie (among various other breeds incl. the smooth foxie...Ma & Dad had picked out Sheltie & SBT right before we wound up with Molly.) Always wind up with the drop-in-your-lap misfits. xD Maltese, supposed to be a sweet breed--we get the one possessed by Satan. Bloodhounds, supposed to be gentle--we get the aggressively unfriendly alpha. Jack's breeder, supposedly one "of merit," and he the non-show-quality/undescended-testicled runt comes with worms+fleas+papillomas, from a house smelling of piss. D; Etc. They almost all had their, ehhh, "issues." Can't believe there's a new Biggenbabe to go with the Beagenbabe.
    -"...sometimes called the most beautiful of dogs" people who've never seen a Saluki. x-3
    -Memories of "playing dog" as a kid, and Ma wanted a Clumber Spaniel named Slushy so that's what I became...and our plush mom-and-pup Sussexes...
    -Lab looked black but was apparently very dark chocolate...mmm. Field spaniel had as many titles after its name as Dany. xD IR&W was handled by Santa.
    -Had fun commentating on everybody with the 'rents. x-} Tres witty if I do say so myself, & I do. I also happen to know more than the TV commentators. >:/ Told Ma re: the stunning lemon belton 'luki Carol & I saw.
    -Krypto=yellow Lab/Dogo cross? Works. When I think about it I have characters, names, memories, *something* associated with nearly every breed. /)^3^(\

  9. Westminster 2022:

    Well wow. I was FULLY prepared to complain about how they've reached the point where they're virtually opening with "You can skip the show this year if you want 'cause we're telling you the guaranteed winner right now." And it IS a lot more fun if they can refrain from harping on or even telling you ahead of time about the top-dog stats. Give the illusion of everydoggo having an equal shot. Then they can list the actual top competitors at the end, whether they wound up winning it all or not. Anyway, it seemed as though nobody had a chance against the French Bulldog, so 'twas flabbergasting when he got Reserve. After that upset the BIS could've been anyone, but I was anticipating the Bloodhound...and sho' 'nuff. Trumpet the nut-namer, as my grandpappy Old Reliable used to say.
    I felt as if I had to root for him and the Maltese since we had those breeds--BUT ours were far and away the meanest, most unfriendly and aggressive dogs we've ever had. Just our luck. o.O Hollywood looked a little demonically-possessed the first night, but by the end perhaps Molly's spirit had relinquished her body. xD Anyway, they were all cuties but I'm pleased with the result. Sweet kissy wrinkly goodest boyo.

    Always fun to do the commentary with the 'rents. And check out the hits and misses of handler attire too. Best-dressed had to be the toy (I think) Poodle's--the neon chartreuse suit. And the Scottie's purple+green sparkles were great. Clearly the dress code was "sparkly black" though (quit copying me all the time, everybody.) The Non-Sporting and Working group judges looked good.

    Cutiepie faces everywhere, you really can't go by that. x3 I'm all 'bout the beauty.
    Hound--Adorable scenthounds of every color, size, and shape for the scent-lovin' fam to lurve on. My sighthounds who're always gorgeous. The "different" ones (Elkhound! Podengo--black & white, ooh! Ridgies, Dachsies, 'Senjis, sadly endangered Otters...) Tbph it should've been Flash! BIS. And oy, that 'Zoi! And the Cirneco. The Beezer. The Grey, Hwhippy-pippy-pippet, Deerhound, Wolfie, Affie, Pharaoh, Aza--but no Slooger, hmph.
    Non-Sporting--Most of these breeds could easily be placed elsewhere. POODS are of course love, and I always favor the Tibbie spaniel & Lhasa since Peg pretty much has to be the yellow TS in the Simon & Schuster book+LA. And the Tibbie terrier, Eskie, the spitzies, and so forth. (Finnish Spitz foot fetishist!)
    Toy--Beautiful new Russian Toy!, handsome Crestie, IGGIE, Toy Pood, and so on.
    Working--Mo'Ne robbed. Pretty white woof. Another lovely white one got it, second year in a row though. Casey-babe's group. Mal either serenading everyone the whole time cuz he thinks it's a singing contest, or talking shit 'bout errybuddy. Rest of the groups were more or less same as per yooszh.

    1. Captain Broken-Record Obvious: "Salukis are the most beautiful creatures on the planet."
      *howl* Videooooooo~!AgdOi37dNFecvSyolQVRX087wTZV?e=gA1CdD
      -Porties are herding dogs too, then...of fish...I want a fish farm of magnificent fishy friends and watery doggos to herd them...*,W,*
      -I like to play "what stands out about this breed?" bc there's stuff for just about every one. E.g. Bouvier...I distinctly remember the one on That's My Dog being a favorite competitor thanks to his cool name and rarity. What a great game show, which I religiously watched whilst eating Lunchables and Spaghettios at the little wooden table in the rec room before switching to Are You Afraid of the Dark...goddammit I wanna return to the past and stay there forever, it's infinitely superior. Also recall Kovolisky (sp?) the geometry teacher in sophomore year trying to figure out a breed he'd seen and I suggested Bouvier bc the description sounded like it but he didn't think so...xD
      -Smooth Collie: A trio of blue merle, tricolor, and "regular" tan/white just looks neat. Played Dog Island as a tricolor one (Jemima.)
      -Toy Fox sorta looks more like Toy Rat...xD
      -Bull Terriers have such star quality. Talking Spuds Mackenzie, Bodger, Frankenweenie, Bullseye, Babe Pig in the City, Bar Sinister, etc.
      -L->H->S: Australian Terrier/Norwich Terrier, Silky; Yorkie

      Truly most breeds have so many associations. With names, characters animated & live-action (anthropomorphized to varying degrees--as beheld in all the best dog/animal movies ever which be in me faves lists)...a PiMP, a plushie/figure/toy, a work of art on some item. A character I created--sometimes to fit into a story and/or belong to a human character. A memorable encounter with one. An especially nice image. We/friend/relative/rike-a samboodeh speshul/cool human character had one and/or likes them.
      Just scads and scads of characters from film, cartoons, books, illustrations, and whatnot that can seemingly be explained by some combination of breeds...the favorites often by similar ones as many have similar feels. Breeds made a bit more remarkable by a particular character(s) who's particularly cool and is pure or a mix thereof.
      (Point: Everything looks incredibly astoundingly astonishingly amazing and mesmerizingly, captivatingly, glorious gorgeous in Lisa Frank art, periodt. The Fantastic World of LF is what heaven looks like or I ain't a-goin'.)

    2. ...okay I've just asked OneDrive why that video is one of those "doesn't show up and play, it's just a file you have to download" ones. Garfuckingbage.

    3. Also noticed~ AHTs can look like Xolos, Peruvian Inca Orchids... Ratties colored like Basenjis can look like them at first glance. On a less doggy note, I wanna breed walking catfish and epaulette/nurse sharks who can spend ever-increasing lengths of time out of water, until they can just casually stroll around with you on land. Then breed them with other species to create more walking fishies. The small ones you can also carry and the giant monsters you can perhaps ride. xD And really even for the regular guys all ya gotta do is rig up a way to have water constantly flowing through their gills...most fish being laterally compressed couldn't stand up well on their own in air but the more flat-bottomed guys and rays could join you without needing submersion necessarily...REVOLOOSHEEAWN!

    4. (*add Skye into the L/H/S thing in the middle of the 6/24/22 10:59 am one)

    5. Not to forget Frenchy and Scud among the screen-star Bull Terriers...!

  10. Man, the Miscellaneous class & FSS are so mixed-up and cool...lotta really neat-looking woof-woofs and colors/patterns. Nice brindles. The hyper-rarities from my books.

    Kromfohrlander! (The little guy I got at Hotel Hershey, I think? And another purple/white Lisa Frank doggo.)
    Sad not to see the Markiesje (or [Blue] Picardy, Pont-Audemer, etc.)* Munsterlanders. GLP. French Spaniel (no Russian? Le sad.) Wetter & Staby. Drentsche Patrijshond (DPD!) Deutscher Wachtelhund.
    Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer. Pudelpointer (Moreover the Biscuit Eater!)
    Cute Japanese Terrier, Teddy Roosevelt. Danish-Swedish Farmdog, aww.
    Very cute Segugio. Porcelaine. Drever. Basset Fauve. Hamiltonstovare. Catahoula, American Leopard Hound. Other cute hound-dawgs.
    Slovensky Cuvac (but no Maremma.) Appenzeller. Thai Ridgie. Hovawart (those incredibly Golden Retriever-lookalike ones, dang.)
    Fun names! Peruvian Inca Orchid. Rafeiro do Alentejo.
    Numbers of large shepherds/livestock woofers, herders, mastiffs, pointers, spitzes/nordic-types (& Japanese ones.) Dutchies. Croatian (reminds of Mudi.) Stumpy-tail cattle doggos. Pyrenean Mastiff (Big Dog logo.) Estrela (similar to Leonberger.) Danish Broholmer. Kelpies. Carolina woof. Barbado da Terceira, wow. Tornjak, Tosa. Czechoslovakian Vlcak (reminds of Sarloos.) Podengo, Bolognese, Bolonka. American Bulldog (Chance!)

    *american staghound. himalayan sheepdog. braque st-germain (backward bird dog.) german broken-coated/roughhaired pointer/stichelhaar. all the rare flock guardians. (kangal similar to anatolian, tatra mtn to gr8 pyr...) armant. bouvier de ardennes. blue lacy. austrian shorthaired pinscher. dutch smoushond. harlequin pinscher. patterdale. inca/peruvian hairless. telomian.
    everything else we just saw @ crufts or that's in any of my books.
    absolutely fucking insane scenthounds! american blue gascon hound. laufhund (luzerner, berner, schweizer, bruno jura...) grand+basset bleu de gascogne. dachsbracke (westphalian, alpine.) strellufstover (danish dachsbracke.) basset artesian normand. dunker. deutsche, tyroler brackes. austrian brandlbracke. ariegeois. billy. black forest hound. grand gascon-saintongeois. poitevin. schillerstovare. styrian roughhaired mtn hound. treeing tennessee brindle. hygenhund. russian (harlequin), posavac, finnish, istrian, etc. Four-score-ish--all cute, many/most highly similar...lot of tricolor, black/tan...just many similar ones. each European country/region has its own variations. Curs.
    ETC., ET. AL.
