- Bruxish
- Litten
- Oricorio (Pom-Pom, Sensu, Baile, & Pa'u)
- Morelull
- Shiinotic
- Wimpod
- Lycanroc (fave forme is Midday)
- Xurkitree (Okay, now this one's clever. Berserk, circuitry, tree. Body of wires, fingers are exposed gold filaments, tail and toes have plugs, covered in bulbs, with a spiky light-up star thingy for a head. It's just...creative. And Christmasy. :D)
- Pheromosa (ooooh, the smexy lissome Pokemon ;p)
- Primarina
- Type: Null
- Brionne
- Golisopod
- Toucannon ("Follow your nose!")
- Popplio
- Minior
- Wishiwashi
- Charjabug
- Silvally
- Jangmo-o
- Crabrawler
- Comfey
- Cosmog
- Bounsweet
- Palossand
- Sandygast
- Tapu Fini (Lele reminds me a bit of Pinkie Pie xD)
- Lunala
- Nihilego (jellyfish-like, again)
Other standouts:
Mareanie and Toxapex are...interesting...like some kind of sea star/urchin combo?? With a bit of jellyfish at first?? Hm.
Lurantis, the orchid mantis.
Dewpider (& Araquanid): Bubble helmet! And also, I WILL NEVER be able to pronounce this one without imitating Lump Maroon ("DEWPIDUURRRRRRR!!!")
Crabominable is a Yeti crab!! :D xD
Salazzle--um, wow. xD;
Kartana: Whoo, origami! (And also chopsticks, and takeout boxes and menus?! :-o)
Celesteela: Okay, new Pokename to associate with Celestia over Cresselia. And what a bizarre design.
Buzzwole: Sheeeet, dat skeeter be swole AF!! Larry the Lobster+Crimson Chin+mosquito=Buzzwole. "Of all my muscles...my brain is one of them!"
Guzzlord & Necrozma are friggin' scary (& the former gross as well. xD)
Oranguru reminds me of the live-action (or, well, CG) King Louie.
The entry from 7/5/16 is the one where I attempted to rank 252 favorite Pokes prior to the full release of G7 (so there are now, total, as of this moment, 802.) Being able to narrow it down to <300 is quite the achievement, trust me.
Munna's a cute one too...kinda reminds me of a piggy bank, Easter egg, and pink version of a Parcheesi elephant smashed together. xD But, not nearly as much as Phanpy resembles the Parcheesi elephants!! ;-3
And then for MLP: FiM...
Best S5/6 eps:
- Make New Friends But Keep Discord (TREEHUGGER!!)
- The Mane Attraction (COLORATURA, AKA RA-RA!)
- Hearthbreakers (LIMESTONE PIE!)
- Amending Fences (LEMON HEARTS!)
- Canterlot Boutique (SASSY SADDLES! Love seeing her turn up anytime! And that goth pony...oh lordy, so many minor/bg characters I had to note in the LJ! [6/25/16])
- The Saddle Row Review (The 80s dancers...! xD)
- Top Bolt (Vapor Trail!)
- Viva Las Pegasus ("Siegfried & Roy"......XD)
- A Hearth's Warming Tail (Professor Flintheart, aka Snape-pony!)
- The Times They Are a Changeling
- The Cutie Map
- The Cutie Re-Mark
- To Where and Back Again
- Tanks for the Memories
- On Your Marks
- Scare Master
- The Crystalling
- Gauntlet of Fire
- Every Little Thing She Does
- Princess Spike
- The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Weaker S5/6 eps (ones I had the most issues/difficulty with--many others were kinda eh/mediocre/somewhere-in-the-middle):
- Spice Up Your Life
- The Cart Before the Ponies
- Crusaders of the Lost Mark
- The Gift of the Maud Pie (Maud rules, but they only did half the "Magi" story! Wtf??)
- Stranger Than Fan Fiction
- Applejack's "Day Off"
EDIT: Ahhh, here we go at last...a ginormo banner/background/collage thingy
of all my favorite Pokémon and then some! But just a few; all'd be imposhibru. ;b (And until they release yet
another frickin' generation in a few years?? 
(Had to re-upload with a little Houndour sneaked in there 'cause like, what in HELL was I doing...?!?! Then again...past a certain point I don't even know what's in there exactly, and the "Fave Pokemon By Type" entry is somewhat more relevant/searchable...)
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