Okay, so *hoping* that in Pullmanverse my daemon would settle as one of my two favorite types of animal, to which I feel the deepest spiritual connection...then I'd wind up with either a dog or a fish (including rays and sharks as choices...and possibly other aquatic/invertebrate creatures, but I guess, just say tropical fish.) BUT evidently a fish would require you to constantly tow around a tub of water, sooooo...I suppose aquatic or amphibious daemons would actually be rare and somewhat unlucky to have? You'd need to remain near a suitable body/container of water at all times, which could be tricky, heh. And they'd probably need surface to speak to you. So that sort of eliminates tons of options, buuuut, anything that helps narrow down is okay, right? As I was figuring the other day (at the bottom)...I could crossover and have a fishy Patronus, right?? ^^' Aaaanyway.
Obviously my ideal situation then would be a dog of a favorite breed (preferably Saluki, the eternal easy #1.) Apparently a lot of servants have dog daemons--oooh, how stereotypical, because doggos are obedient and subservient, right? Harr. They're also the most diverse species on any planet. ;p Clearly I identify with the more independent and feline-esque of canines--ones sophisticated, intelligent, elegant, graceful, dignified. Who choose to bestow their undying loyalty and infinite devotion upon only the worthiest. Whose love is ultra-special because it is earned rather than automatically given. ;p
So, yeah. I dig this concept. It's basically your classic dream talking animal companion, only it's an actual inherent part of you at the same time......
Evidently people don't always get their preferences (e.g., somebody who wants, say, a lion, and gets, say, a Poodle.) Wait, say WHAT now?!?! A magnificent, glorious, noble, brilliant, athletic, fuckin' badass Caniche would be a tremendous honor and thrill...! The fiercest and most fearsome Pood laughs at the ridiculous notion of disappointment. That's a hot one.
Very very surprised to see that daemons are usually of the opposite sex from their people. Same-sex ones can indicate that the person is possessed of "second sight," or is homosexual? xD Well, the former could certainly apply if that were my case. Now, show me all the folks with elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos...how convenient that must be. x-3 How do they stick near enough to you? What about those with heavy, slow daemons they can't carry or drag if they have to run from danger? Wouldn't such people be relatively easy to kill (especially since killing a daemon kills the person?) #pondering
Based on my first viewings of the Gen-VIII Sword/Shield Pokemon...I attempted ranking/listing my favorite...almost half. Let's try 40.
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Rapidash
- Centiskorch
- Sizzlipede
- Eiscue
- Alcremie
- Arrokuda
- Barraskewda
- Falinks
- Frosmoth
- Snom
- Boltund
- Zacian
- Zamazenta
- Obstagoon
- Galarian Linoone
- Appletun
- Flapple
- Applin
- Toxtricity
- Gossifleur
- Grapploct
- Clobbopus
- Pincurchin
- Eternatus
- Cufant
- Silicobra
- Sandaconda
- Milcery
- Sinistea
- Polteageist
- Stonjourner
- Runerigus
- Inteleon
- Drizzile
- Cursola [/Galarian Corsola]
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Galarian Weezing
- Thievul
- Nickit
^ Lots of pretty cool/cute ones, color combos, design elements...HM to Cinderace I guess...
*The "hat" trio immediately brought to mind some of my favorite Fripples for some reason (the circular spotted one with two cones and a party hat, the teardrop one with diagonal stripes and sombrero. xD Plus the adorable sleeping-cap one.)
π₯ π¦ π¦
11.7.20~Just introduced: Glastrier, Spectrier, & Calyrex. Legendary shadow (Luna!) & ice horses plus their rider...I mean, cool...I'm saying "'Glahs-tree-ay' et 'Speck-tree-ay,'" mmmkay. And once again I'm reminded of Sibereon, the Ice-type Eeveelution I drew before Glaceon came along. It was basically a Regice dog. c-x Probably the best design I came up with, but not the only faceted canine, hee...
11.19 intros: Regieleki (noice color), Galarian Legendary Birds (scary Articuno reminding me of the Rock-A-Doodle owls like Malamar...chicken Zapdos...badass dark-fire Moltres...)
Toy Story 4 was great (beautiful sets, toy designs, Giggle’s compact!, emotionally wrenching end that prompts you to look both backward and forward...) The “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” movie wasn’t toooo bad, but represents a gigantic missed opportunity. The obvious and ideal way to make a movie out of those fucking iconic anthologies would be, well, a Creepshow-esque anthology! Beyond Belief proves you can tell an excellent, developed spooky story pdq. That show perfected it. Just take the trilogy and start selecting as many tales as possible to bring to life as BB-type short segments. Bring those Gammell illustrations to life, baby!! There are plenty of very scary bits in the film, certainly, but too much wasted time in between on this unnecessary, none-too-original or compelling “Sarah Bellows” or whomever story that’s just an attempt to tie together a few book-based tales happening to the main characters. You really didn’t need main characters. Meh. Could have been incredible. (Also, the “acting”...omg. π€¦♀️)
ReplyDeleteNew Pokemon: Zarude. What I like about it: -chunky green "bracelets" x-3 -chest rib thingies -sorta birdy-mask facial structure -frog-like crouch pose in the one pic
ReplyDeleteBasculegion looks cool and Hisuian Braviary has nice colors on its head...:3
ReplyDeleteUp to 905 now:
Just announced for Scarlet/Violet: starters Sprigatito, Quaxly, & Fuecoco. Hmmm. Cute. Again not super-strong feelings, I guess that order...more love the games' names/colors. How to choose? Let's let that be Joe's decision as usual and gift him Xmas 'mons yet again. xD Unless I have a very strong preference to push for. Time to check out the recent games on Twitch I suppose. Aaaannnd this means that already by the end of this year we'll have a whole new set to rank and pick favorites from, OY VEY. Gotta start stickering up my old calendars with the 895 or whatever I've already tried to "rank," plus all the friggin duplicates in the Galar book. ;w;
ReplyDeleteALSO gotta remember that the Sinnoh patterns are releasing this year, so by the end they should all be up...so far just Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar (in that order. ;)