Saturday, May 6, 2023

Mission Find-the-Cards: Failure Will NEVER Be an Option.

Quick follow-up to this. Doing such a thing with the crown jewels inexplicably missing felt pointless, but then for the past few holidays I found myself thinking that it'd be helpful to have a video like this for easier selection of possible e-cards/digital greetings, so...why not. | Oh yeah and there also be those others in the corner of the toy box, though they probably wouldn't be candidates anyway.

9.20.23: Awwww hells yeah, I be all up on my shippy shit again...;b 7th Twatter handle, second shippy one--which means, as I always knew it eventually would, that if/when my trillion links start failing to redirect, I'll have to just replace the last sn with the new'un whenever I use one. Crummy but ah well. So that's Snapdragon71887-->AppleDashPony-->ShowMeSomeDash-->ElsaStormborn-->Hayffiedaughter-->Bellatrixkiddo_-->Neoshippedkid-->BnCsSundanceKid. ^-^
Also, a few of my 'house-plan-hunting' notes in picture form (currently up-to-date versions of notes in my folder on Mum's PC+Sheriff Ecso+Disney dog journal)
And that Twatter name is necessary because holy shit, Cassidy & Butch have retaken center stage. The GOAT OTP of the universe. They're all I can think about...
They're that one thing that's constantly in your head, at least at the back of your mind propelling everything else...providing the strength to carry on...