Quick follow-up to this. Doing such a thing with the crown jewels inexplicably missing felt pointless, but then for the past few holidays I found myself thinking that it'd be helpful to have a video like this for easier selection of possible e-cards/digital greetings, so...why not. | Oh yeah and there also be those others in the corner of the toy box, though they probably wouldn't be candidates anyway.
Recent: Reacting to Let's Get Lyrical With Carice & Daniel
9.20.23: Awwww hells yeah, I be all up on my shippy shit again...;b 7th Twatter handle, second shippy one--which means, as I always knew it eventually would, that if/when my trillion links start failing to redirect, I'll have to just replace the last sn with the new'un whenever I use one. Crummy but ah well. So that's Snapdragon71887-->AppleDashPony-->ShowMeSomeDash-->ElsaStormborn-->Hayffiedaughter-->Bellatrixkiddo_-->Neoshippedkid-->BnCsSundanceKid. ^-^
Also, a few of my 'house-plan-hunting' notes in picture form (currently up-to-date versions of notes in my folder on Mum's PC+Sheriff Ecso+Disney dog journal)
And that Twatter name is necessary because holy shit, Cassidy & Butch have retaken center stage. The GOAT OTP of the universe. They're all I can think about...
They're that one thing that's constantly in your head, at least at the back of your mind propelling everything else...providing the strength to carry on...
They're that one thing that's constantly in your head, at least at the back of your mind propelling everything else...providing the strength to carry on...
Lou Rawls: *being iconic* 🎹 “If you’re between 50 & 85, call now for free information on guaranteed acceptance from the Colonial-Penn insurance program. You know, for about 25 cents a day…” “…your premium will never increase, and your benefit will never decrease due to age.”
New guy: *looks nice but is no Lou Rawls cuz there was only one* *says essentially the same thing but uniconically* “…your price will never go up…”
And to the people who live in that sexy pink+purple house nearby, I’d like to ring the doorbell & just shake their hand to say “Even if you didn’t paint it, thanks for not painting over it. For beautifying the street and taking a stand against all the dullards responsible for bold, vibrant, vivid, awesome colors not being offered for cars, siding, interiors, etc. It says you’re cool and have taste. I respect and applaud you.” I think there’s a similar yellow+green house near it; that
one rocks too. And all the others I’ve always singled out as favorites because they stand out...