Friday, November 22, 2024

calendarmania vi, etc. (#90)

Ooookay, here go the choices.

Dogs All Dressed Up
Dogs Gone Wild (mini)
Best in Show (only shows 6 images for some damn stupid reason)
Living the Dream (only shows 5 images for some damn stupid reason; there is never any excuse for not printing them all on the back*)
Poods (+most of usual fave breeds we've noted since 2018)
Gr8 Interiors
Joyful Landscapes
Cottage Life
Cabin Life/Cabins
Cunt Tree Living/Welcome/Sampler/Road
Simple Cunt Tree (Michael Humphries)
Wall Art
As usual tremendous mushroom/fungi love
Kitchen Table, Gud Enuff 2 Eet
THG mini
Arthur (VERY cute, but neither regular nor mini shows the whole thing, only 5 or 6 months--nor appears to include the best ones, Fern & Prunella)
Singin' in the Rain, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Killer Klowns
Rainbow Brite
Betty Boop (w&g & many others from last time)
Michael Buble, Dolly Parton, Barbra Streisand
Men w/ Hens
(Crocheted) Houseplants
Airstream, Treehouses, Jewels; "ranch," pathwayz, porches, bikes, fruit, fux
Snakes (precious beautiful babies), beautiful buggies
Snarcatstic, asking 4 a friend
Picasso, Mucha, Engelbreit, Klimt, Wyeth, tous les artistes (esp those painting redheads, displaying superior taste)
 ~all saved pics in 10/10/24+11/9/24 grimmages (oh, +Workman 365 Dogs)

*They're "forwarding my suggestion (request!) to the editing department immediately," but I know better than to hope for the rest to appear. D;

Otter Olympics, Kama Sutra sloths, Star Trek and all kindsa other cats including the vintage images of anthropomorphic ones doing stuff...there should be more of this with DOGS, man! Especially the Olympics, 'cause instead of just bloody otters, imagine an Animalympics set--a Pawsmopolitan/Avanti-esque assortment of animal-people, and a different dozen sports each year. Or Doggolympics. Dynamic, non-awkward posing and scenes. The ideal style of anthropomorphism that maintains the animal's key traits and essence in a well-proportioned humanoid silhouette/frame. (Not to mention my suggestions made to an artist requesting ideas for "pokegirls doing different Olympic sports"--guess I gotta put that after the calendar pics.)
And like, the Star Trek Cats has so much potential as an idea, but the breeds/types could be improved, you could include more characters and DS9+Voyager+Enterprise...B-Crush would so be a ginger Oriental longhair, c'mon...use as diverse a variety as possible and make it very clear who everyone is...
Plus dogs (or fish) are always the best animals to use for anybody & anything. x-}

Also sticking a few Pennsy pics after the calendar art, and below that the updated photo masterlist + another shot that goes with that 10/7/23 entry. #glorygloryhallepoodjah


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