Wednesday, April 4, 2018

New fave MLP characters: Season 8. Let us commence.


Smolder (kinda the Scootaloo of dragons)
Grampa Gruff

...So, all of 'em so far. x~3 

Big Bucks (& Jackpot, the stallion version of Trixie)--who were so cool to AJ's Golden Girl quartet ;]
Ocean Flow (& Terramar [totally not obvious from the start that he's destined to be another resident of both land & sea], Sky Beak. Loved the CMC song in that one; I was with Scoots. "Unda da sea!" Is the place to be. ;] Definite Lil' Mermaid vibes.)

From "Fake It 'Til You Make It" (shame Pretzel wasn't in here!!): Strawberry Ice, Blueberry Curls, Luckette, Silver Berry, Mare E. Lynn, Mare E. Belle, the goth stallion. And ofc Sassy Saddles & Rarity's assistant trio, Pursey Pink, & the goth mare again. 

Firelight (to be mayhaps shipped with Stellar Flare? ;3) & the other Sire's Hollow residents

(And oh, how I do love Limestone & Starlight!!) 


Best episodes of S8:
  • School Raze: Part II (Excellent finale that made good use of so many characters. And HELP I'M IN LOVE WITH NEIGHSAY. ;3; )
  • School Raze: Part I
  • The Hearth's Warming Club*
  • The Maud Couple
  • On the Road to Friendship
  • The Mean 6
  • Grannies Gone Wild
  • The Parent Map
  • What Lies Beneath
  • Horse Play
  • Surf and/or Turf (for the song)
  • Sounds of Silence (same!)
  • Friendship University**
  • The Washouts
*Hearth's Warming Club: This was a great episode! What an adorable 'Christmas' story. Each student's tale was hilarious (even Gallus' sad one, because it sounded like so many families on Thanksgiving.) I particularly liked Sandbar's "miracles." This one was so great from start to finish...kept me wondering who the culprit was and why, until it became obvious. Made up for the previous episode ("A Matter of Principals") being a bit weak, despite featuring both Starlight and Discord. My only complaint here would be that I hoped Gallus would go home with one of his friends to join in on their celebration; didn't seem entirely appropriate for them all to skip out on their families. I suppose they're old enough to make the choice to be someplace else for one year, but...anyways, good ep.

**Friendship University: Rafting Treehugger! Chancellor Neighsay!! Flim & Flam...singing, running a speciesist ponies-only school that overcharges for each plagiarized worksheet of incomplete lessons to raise funds for resort, was kinda hoping this would be a case of Twilight being wrong, but knew that was a slim chance. Those guys are to Equestria what Raffish Ralph is to Bear Country. It'd be fine for there to be another school in another area, so other pones have a chance to, uh, study how to be friendly. xD This one made Twi sound like a Mary Sue, but her personality still feels real & relatable, and she still reacts to shit in her flustered way...

(Worst: A Matter of Principals, Yakity-Sax)

A few favorite reactions to "Best Gift Ever":
-I FUCKING LOVE PINKIE'S SISTERS SOOOOO GOTDAMN MUCH. Especially Limestone. And Maud. (But I am the best at gift-giving, Limes. That's just facts. I'm like a at everything. Only, including gifting. I find the just-right, most-awesome, most-perfect shit for everybody.) The fact that Mudbriar is there with Maud as they're picking at their rock presents...omg. Warmed me cold dead heart of blackness.
-Discord has clearly never been to Yankee Candle.
-Was it just me or did we only see Ocellus' group at the end, of the young six? Yona might've been in with the yaks, but I was waiting for the hippogriffs, griffons, dragons, Sandbar...
-That Derpy scene was SOLID. FREAKIN'. GOLD. And infuriating on Rarity's behalf, lol.
-The magic pudding looks INSANELY SCRUMP. Intensely pistachio. (Which happens to be the name of a new character.)
-Hope Flim & Flam found SOME holiday spirit...guess they're incurable con artists, but somehow I can't help liking them. Like Raffish Ralph.
-Guessing the Gift Givers of the Grove were kinda inspired by the Ghosts of Christmas Past/Present/Future? Which is what I thought they were at first...
-"Minty Bubblegum" is pretty.
-The Secret Santa system is kinda practical, but also kinda blows...only having to give one gift means only receiving one...:/ xp 


**'PONY GROUPINGS' SECTION!! VOW. MY FIRST "SECTION" ON PINTEREST & 'TIS OH SO GEEWWWWD...   The 4 Snapdragon pics which happened to be on the board have links for Ikulas Photobucket Pony-Creator albums.

* p0n3face collage /)^3^(\  & the tumblr header and loads of other awesome pony-crew pics in that section of the board...including the new S7/8 grouping.
* mes noms de pone (des pones?)
poniesponiesponiieeesss (Scooby, Hey Arnold, Frankenweenie pone...whateva...) Oh, yeah. An' yeah... Just added 2 pix to the last one of all the thumbnails from all of 'em+the computer folders. xD

WTF, Pinterest, everything should be fully visible whether you're logged-in or not. What is the point of forcing people to register? That's just an immediate turnoff. You rock and rule and shouldn't be that way. 


And then...I tried this damned-near-impossible GoT character-ranker thingy, but realized it's impossible to put them in numerical order. I can only group them roughly. Like so...

Love: Daenerys, Arya, Melisandre, Brienne, Olenna, Ygritte, Jon, Varys, Tyrion, Tormund, Jorah, Samwell, Sandor, Jaime, Beric, Davos, Podrick, Barristan, Ned, Drogo, Hot Pie! (All the dragons & direwolves!)
// Like: Bronn, Robb, Syrio!!, Benjen, Robert, Catelyn, Bran, Aemon, Jeor,
Edd, Margaery, Stannis, Oberyn, Mance, Gendry, Meera, Jojen, Yara, Theon......Asha, Brynden, Qhorin, Loras, Renly...Sansa I guess, though she's still kinda 'meh' (as are most of the didn't-make-the-show ones from the Tumblr thingy since, y'know, they weren't significant enough to be needed...)
// Hate: Roose, Tywin,
Euron, Pycelle, Baelish, Cersei, Joffrey, Ramsay

...And what the fuck was that thing doing including Drogon but not the other dragons, certain direwolves, and characters who weren't even necessary enough for the show whilst omitting Jaqen, Grey Worm,
Hodor, Osha, Thoros, Tommen, Gilly, Yara, Daario, Missandei, the Mountain, Qyburn, the Night King, Shireen, Lancel, Ellaria, Viserys, the High Sparrow, the Waif, Shae, Talisa, Lysa, Rickon, Myrcella--okay, everybody else is also much too minor (Illyrio, Doran, Trystane, Walda, Ros, Leaf, Craster, Lyanna x2, Unella/septas, Hizdahr, Eddison, Edmure, Green, Pypar, Tycho, Yoren, the 3-Eyed Raven, the peeps Dany met along the way, the other peeps on Arya's list, etc...) But still. O_o