Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Saving this old 'personals ad'-type profile from dating sites I tried out (even though I was primarily hoping to find activity partners and whatnot & am very happily single); Idk where else to put it now? Serves as a pretty good intro regardless. Comments too. x-}
NUTSHELL=primary goals: a) get lotsa doggos, fishies, & other beateous critters b) travel a loooot for long periods to do all that is fun & excellent, somehow gotta find fun-loving people (& critters of course.) 8-\
Essential info:  
⚜️ Animal fanatic. My favorites are dogs & fish/aquatic critters (esp. tropical fish/rays/sharks, etc...) Many favorite breeds of dog (& cat, horse...) I adore dog shows and other sports. 
⚜️ Unabashed mega-fangirl. x~3 Animation/cartoon-obsessed Disneyholic & Pixarphile. Movies, TV, music, musicals/theater, reading. Awesome 80s baby/90s kid for life. #MyLittlePonyFiM #Pokemon #Mario #HungerGames #StarTrek #HarryPotter #GameOfThrones [s1-7] etc. etc.
⚜️ Further interests/luvs: The paranormal/supernatural/occult/mystical, games/sporting activities, shopping, nature, plants (& fungi ^^)/gardening, learning, art, science, history, culture, design, vintage+retro+antique+nostalgia, holidays, list-making (esp. loooonng ones of favorite things in various categories), writing/recording shit, colors, names, houses/decor, gems/crystals, water, scary stories/spookiness/horror, dance, thinking/fantasizing/daydreaming/reminiscing (I'm rarely where I appear to be on this plane!), FUN, beauty, awesomeness, excellence, all that be da bombdiggity
⚜️ Lover of toys & miniature things; collector/packrat by nature. Vast amounts of Lisa Frank, "In My Pocket" animals, plushies, figurines, ponies, Beanie Babies, Funkos, Peeps, Polly Pocket, candles, stickers, ornaments/decorations, PEZ dispensers, fast-food toys, key chains, pins, buttons, bags, books/videos/games, cards, wearable stuff, keepsakes, etc.
⚜️ Big goal (alongside acquiring many more favorite breeds/species): TRAVELIN'. I love trips. And I just dream of traveling for weeks, months, even years at a time, seeking every kind of adventure there is to be had. All of it; everything. (Especially...all around the US & Canada, all around Europe, Australia, Japan, island-hopping...hither & thither & yon.) Could be by some combination of RV, motorcycle, bicycle, car, or foot. Have quite specific ideas about everything, though. ;) This and the animals=the two central-pillar goals around which all else anchors, always.
⚜️ Took scuba lessons/own gear

Demo breakdown/factoids:
DOB: 7/18/87
Sex/gender: F
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Nationality: American "Euromutt" (Irish, German, Hungarian, Polish, & Italian ancestry)
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'5"
Smoke/drugs: No (never have)
Drink: Rarely
Language: English (did very well in middle/high school French & learned little bits of a few others here & there :3)
Astrological signs+personality types: Cancer. Rabbit. {3rd-decanate Cancerian [Leo cusp] with Taurus moon & Leo ascendant and so forth; Fire-element Lola-Bunny Rabbit "Looking at the Moon" + Raya-style Dragon ascendant. I know some sign descriptions can be totally inaccurate for some people, but mine've tended to be...usually pretty good for the most part; I identify with the signs in enough ways. And while I seem to have a bit of an affinity for Virgo, Pisces, & Libra, I'd never discount somebody based on birthdate. ;p} INTJ. RCOEI/very close to RLOEN. Ravenclaw (Slytherclaw?)/Horned Serpent. More left-brained, but pretty balanced in that sense (not so lefty that I could do algebra, put it that way.) Enneagram results. (More in comments.)
Alter-ego: Lucy Ricardo (to name only one ;)
Orientation: Heterosexual (though possibly just asexual, or "demi?" Guess I'm unsure/unconcerned. Not very romantic unless it's concerning OTPs/favorite characters. Voluntary virgin; have barely dated due to lack of interest & enjoyment of solitude.) [lol] [lol again] [lol once more for good measure?]
Seeking: Friendship (...possibly more? W/ one [male] person, ofc) (Always been a fan of [much] older...& often unusual-looking...guys)
Want kids?: Only the furry, finned, feathered, or scaly kind. πŸ©πŸ πŸˆπŸ±πŸπŸ¦€πŸ‘πŸ¦πŸŒπŸ πŸ€πŸ“πŸ¦šπŸŽ (Might not be 100% non-persuadable, but even then would be more interested in adoption? I do, however, love my genes & would enjoy to pass 'em along by some entirely effortless means...πŸ€”)
Politically: Independent, moderate, centrist (weighted left according to most quizzes) [what another quiz thought--some of it looked very surprising] [and another--I'd think I'd be even more to the center of the middle two axes but aiight] [still another? ay yi yi] [wtaf]
Religiously: Catholic-raised. More 'spiritual' than just one specific thing exclusively. Wicca/Paganism hold appeal.
*primarily the Googdrive/1Drive section, +Photobucket shit --> MOAR HYPERIMPORTANT LINKAGE
preface?:⚜️ Live in hometown of Clark, NJ. Work in home office (which, yes, I love) of dad's/family's two-way radio repair (etc.) company. Hoping to eventually take over the whole office side of it. Have 2nd home+about a dozen or so farm-surrounded acres in Lake Como, PA. Hoping to move up there sometime. Can't WAIT to get outta here.Could also potentially wind up somewhere based upon putting media/film degree to better use (a BA in Communications/Media/Film w/ Recreation Administration minor.) Could be open to living elsewhere in the States, or even Europe orrr...
⚜️ Would be interested in getting to know somebody(ies) compatible with the following profile. Ofc one could never ever be completely exhaustive and mention everything, but I think this does a fairly decent job painting a picture of me...

(maybe could retry them apparently useless sites like okcupid, matchdoctor, badoo, zoosk, pof, pounced? there were a few others in the app store...just whatever's most prevalent at the time and offers a 'friendship' search...)