Friday, November 1, 2019

| linkage |

Had just gathered up some recent photo ones to link to IG bc hooooomfg. So much. So many. (BUT IN THE END #7+9 ARE MOST IMPORTANT.)
6.    29th b'day #pressies [idk why that one was tough to find]
7. [slash archive. Or "tagged." Or "likes." Tons of fabulous shit from APR 2015-DEC 2020 (1783 as of 6/25/24 apparently. Just added a couple more. :3) Esp. such tags as OTPs, names, surveys...]
8.   OH OH OH, my Hungarian friend visited from 1/26/18-2/3/18, and this video (in the personal-vids playlist) contains my photos+video from that week: Jenkinson’s Aquarium, fish, rays, sharks, jellies, crustaceans, penguins, harbor seal, turtles/tortoises, toads, Point Pleasant beach & boardwalk, my amaaaaazing souvenirs and purchases, Goombas, Balto statue, Josef Albers exhibit at the Guggenheim, fave beach houses, plushes/key chains, Top of the Rock (view of all NYC.)
^ I've asked them so many gdmf times to allow you to just have one link to the entire drive, but so far the common-sense request has fallen on deaf & dumb ears...also, I found that Imageshack & especially Microsoft OneDrive are virtually the same identical thing. [additional note to self: acct info for those in georgette notebook. ~ 1d videos

*Oh, and naturally the Lisa Frank linkage <3 || youtube playlists of <33333 || da: no1wantsthisname; lj: _x_blackroses_x/quittikat
THE REVOLTING PB SAGA!: Photobucket is a scamming sack of shit. 16 years, 22k+ files...and all of a sudden anything over 250 per account requires a paid plan. Never mind that other sites provide unlimited free storage (or a huge limit), so nobody in their right mind will give them a cent. I obviously left somewhere between 100-something & 249 files on each of the 8 accounts, but now I'm realizing that I can't even view the files full-size as you naturally used to. They display largely within the albums, but when you double-click to see them individually, it only shows tiny thumbnails. Wtff. Then, I thought I'd just grab the links to all 8 accounts--simple, right? Of course the fuck not. Half the links I was able to figure out how to kinda get didn't even fucking work. Goddammit you scum-sucking cunts, way to be the worst 2020 event. That's quite the motherfucking achievement, but you nailed it. Glad I lj-saved the support-request-slash-rant I submitted, because there's just way too much to say about how fucking hard you're sucking the big one right now. ...okay, so apparently you have to click the thumbnail to see the image full-size in a new tab, for some reason? Why the middle step? Why is the "image detail" icon a pencil, which universally means "EDIT?!?!?!?!?" You fucktards. You shitfaced cockmasters, you donkey-raping shiteaters. Well, whatever. The primary thing is the link non-functionality. You can't link to any individual file, and only to certain albums for an unfathomable reason. Used to be able to just link to your main bucket rather than picking an album! THERE IS NO EXPLANATION FOR THIS HORSEFUCKERY. Need to delete most of the producer_love account but the site is now not loading files at all...don't really wanna just delete every folder without seeing which one(s) I might be able to leave. Truly this is the worst website ever, and holy shit is that competition stiff. Just the way it promised for over fifteen years to hold your priceless memories and significant shit but then all of a sudden decides to pull this evil attempted money-grubbing shit.
sometimes these 8 work...sometimes you have to take an album's link instead and hope that might work...horseshit. ['collekshunz' album!] [lot left, 5 vid folders] [remaining frozen caps] [249 of the "1200+ extremely awesomely amazing pics"] [main bucket+gifs/vids] [Halloween '04+the lousy MLP cosplay shots] [just 3 random folders that happened to fit]   
...why can't you single-space anymore within the editor, Blogger...whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy... no.8 (nm deleted PBs)
Aiight, so forget Imageshack obviously. Now I was GOing to delete the two albums that happen to be on 1Drive, BUT in comparing the file numbers...MGM on GP=3693 vs. 3896 on 1D? PL on GP=1716 vs. 1757 on 1D? There's no earthly explanation. None. The disparities can't be accounted for. There's no way GP could've missed anything...which it better not have done on any of the other accounts either. At any rate it's a huge fucking mess like this whole clusterfuck, I'm still utterly murderous, and I wish my external drives could be online. Like a PB equivalent with a fair limit. Whatever. I'm hoping to be able to screen-record scrolling through the entire thing--time trial took almost 25 minutes. 8/ The thumbnails'll have to be left at the default size, but it'd probably be the most useful overview possible...

~ ~
discovery: imageshack>>>googlephotos>onedrive. the accounts that got transferred to each were kinda random bc i just went from smallest to largest, and did is>goog>1d. tags are effin' worthless; once upon a time i tagged+titled/captioned all my pb files, and then they suddenly eliminated all of that AND the comments--except the titles, i think. looks like the feature is back in the "updated" version, but i'm gonna assume it's fresh and wouldn't have restored all the old info. whatever. i can only think of a few specific ones that were really great anyway, and they're not *necessary.* still shouldn't vanish without warning and the offer to save them all in a text file or something.
UPDATE: knew imageshack was too good to be true. fucking hell. looks like gonna have to try to transfer everything that's not on GP to GP.
Also eff the eff outta Blogger for no longer turning links into hyperlinks; instead you have to highlight/copy them...what is this godforsaken abysmal world coming to...


  1. This ongoing nightmare continues. Never mind and screw Imageshack apparently...I knew the evidently unlimited free storage seemed too good to be true...if I wind up having to try to put its 3.5 accounts (Ikulas I, BAB, MLF, CTF) elsewhere online I guess I could try to split them among 1D, GP, and Amazon Photos. I just have no idea how you'd tell which whole ones would fit best in each. Don't wanna have to split accounts themselves, more than halving Ikulas, as it could get too confusing. This truly blows. But just stick a pin in that. Might at some point try using Ice Cream screen recorder to capture scrolling through the accounts on one of the backup drives, which'd take fooorrrreeevvvveeerrr and need a ton of the 5-min videos, but...just think it'd be kinda nice to glimpse it all together...and I guess use Microsoft Movie Maker...though how long can a single YT one be? You can't get a straight fuckin' answer by looking it up.

  2. All right, so I officially wish long, slow, torturous, excruciating death upon those operating Photobucket. It's a good thing none of the ~80 (~40? most have "m" duplicates for some fucked-up reason beyond my control) videos left on three of the eight accounts are tremendously important. Because when you double-click to play one, it displays in the same tiny space and is CROPPED, and like evil Instagram doesn't display the controls/length or can't enlarge it or fix this dare you ever have accepted video files if you were ever going to pull this heinous appalling trash, you cocksucking asslicking boner-biting bastard uncle fuckers.

    ...which goes w/ -

  4. lawl tumblr is
    G A R B A G E


  5. The way Google Photos looks IS AAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS...why is everything so huge you can only see a few images at a time and it all takes ages to load and scroll around, whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  6. besides the photo albums, important locations of paper mementos & shit:
    *frames eeeeverywhere (singles, collages)
    *yearbook shelf (memory books, elementary school journals, books we created/contributed to...errythin else)
    *my closet/bed drawers/desk/wall pouch thing (school stuff from many grades, loaded notebooks & folders, binders, creations, awards/certificates/ribbons, newspaper clippings, sketchbooks, gooniness, masterpieces, goofy masterpieces, preciosity, keepsakage, etc. etc. etc.)
    *hall closet (schoolwork, folders, notebooks, binders, lisa frank, projects, piaget photos...also tons & tons)
    *wooden book-shaped box+cabinet in lady's room (elementary school stuff, high school graduation programs, etc. etc.)
    *school/holiday art (xmas in w/ decor, other holidays+shit in stack or displayed)
    *my section of office shelf (college/notary/puppy/other paperwork; binder, yadda-yadda); under yellow bathroom sink+desk's magazine holder; sub-microwave cabinet; bookshelves
    **and then ofc there's all the VIDEO that we need Joe to get his ass on digitizing/chronologizing all of...and slides, Mom's/Dad's shizzle...

    1. (obviously should've said "besides the photo albums and everything else in their cabinet--frames + big pix, the stuff, the two big stacks...enumerated at the end of the 'smubla' document and in the 1.17.23 pin...")
      --Lest we forget the 'rents' wedding album with the photo pouch in the back, which I neatened but it's not in the main album cabinet (or my list of 'em.) And the wee monocular slide-viewers that were always behind the bar (binoculars+a bunch of two- and one-eye slides are in the cabinet box.) Fillup's projector+slide box from the attic is...idk, has Joe digitized those? He was starting with the oldest shit, so...

      Actually started trying to do a list of photo frames, which seemed possibly impossible unless you were packing them all together in the moving process...but as I think of more they can be added into the Mickey notepad (begins 14th sheet from the back.) Jeebuth. The walls be like friggin' Mr. Krabs' house. x~}

    2. (in the "my closet" section--also of course all the photos, cards, & maaaaanny various other cute keepsakes in the LF headboard boxes+bottom tier of the hangy mesh thang)

  7. Cocksucking cuntfuck of a site no longer lets you sign in. #shittytittedprickdicks
    Deleting some older comments to condense anyway.
    Later Googdrive folders:

    *"instaspam is worthless" ~
    *2021 ~
    *2022 ~
    *TINYURL SEEDEE + useful: (the two subfolders of the iphone 5 album; 2019+20 also each have one...dress+horse respectively)

    10/15/23: Downloaded the Google Drive albums because I recently noticed it suddenly saying for the first time that it was using over 2 million % of the (Kean) storage...of course now that I've done this it's back to saying 4.19/20 GB. Hm. Whew? Got concerned there for a minute. Anyway. Put them on the blue WD Passport drive that's kept in the crossbody tapestry dog-breed bag (the one purchased at the first dog show I had us attend as spectators, along with the hound-group magnet!), which turned out to be empty. The folders all downloaded as zip files (Express Zip File Compression.) All the video ones that aren't in the actual "vidja" folder stand out, as do the HEIC ones that unfortunately only open on I guess you'd have to somehow get those from the drive to the phone. Made a perfect 3-minute video recording of the whole thing (a la the half-hour Photobucket one xD) and put that on the Passport as well.

    10/27: Deleted all remaining Photobucket files from all 8 accounts, and then the accounts themselves. That's all on the same drive as the Googs. Some is the zip files that downloaded, some is extracted. Not that it matters.
