Friday, February 9, 2018

Disney Questionnaire

    1)   Favorite overall Disney character? Rita (Oliver & Company)

    2)   Favorite villain? Mother Gothel

    3)   Favorite fairy? Vidia (also Rosetta, Fawn, Silvermist, of the main group...Spike, Gliss, other winter fairies [Secret of the Wings is the best bc of them], Nyx & the scout fairies, the ministers of winter/autumn/spring/summer...I guess Zarina although TPF is probably my least favorite...)

    4)   Favorite mermaid? Ariel, Arista (& the Neverland lagoon ones xD and ofc I love Attina, Andrina, Aquata, Alana, & Adella 8D)

    5)   Favorite Disney movie? Oliver & Company, Lady & the Tramp, The Little Mermaid, Frozen, etc. (see list of favorite Disney & Pixar charries below)

    6)   Favorite Pixar movie? Finding Nemo/Dory & Brave (then MU/MI, The Incredibles, Cars, etc.)

    7)   Favorite Princess? Merida, Elsa, Ariel, Anna (I love/like all of ''s just tough to rank after the first 3-4, I never know which factors to go by..)

    8)   Favorite Disney male? Well, look for the dudes in the list below. xD (Didn't count Brave Lil' Toasters 'cause they weren't actually Disney productions)

    9)   Favorite sidekick? Same

    10)  Favorite musical number? Oh, f*ck. Let It Go and TEN MILLION OTHERS (Part of Your World, Poor Unfortunate Souls, I Won't Say I'm in Love, Streets of Gold, Perfect Isn't Easy, He's a Tramp, Reflection, all the Goofy Movie ones, Good Doggie No Bone, A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes+pretty much all princess ones!!!!!, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, Let Me Be Good to You, God Help the Outcasts, et. al...)

    11) Favorite outfit? Erm. Elsa's ice gown is amazeballs...;p

    12) Character you most relate to? A combination of most of my top faves. Certainly felt a lot like an Ariel and a Rita growing up.

    13) First Disney movie you ever watched? Possibly Cinderella, one of the first faves I just kept forcing my grandpa to rewind and play over and over

    14) Who would your best friend be? Rita! And Georgette, Dixie, Peg, my princesses, Roxanne, Beret Girl, Sylvia Marpole, Meg, Esme, etc.! See the lists below...guess it'd depend on whether I was in dog, fish, human, monster, car, bug, etc., mode.

    15) Which Prince do you want to marry? Prince, uh...Boris (from Lady & the Tramp ;-)

    16) Who do you look the most like? MERIDA.

    17) Are you a dreamer or a realist? Both.

    18) What is your dream job? Like...actress/singer/dancer who just basically travels the universe doing everything that's fun/cool/awesome/exciting and making everything that has to happen happen? Sure

    19) Which Disney castle/home do you want to live in? Elsa's ice one. Or Ariel's/Eric's seaside one.

    20) beach, city, or countryside? All 3. Most often I'd probably go for countryside, but absolutely want the city and the beach sometimes too.

*~Fave Disney & Pixar characters~*

DIS: Rita, Georgette, Peg, Boris, Dixie, Ruby, Chief, Tramp, Dodger, Ariel, Elsa, Anna, Roxanne, Sylvia, Beret Girl (I've called her Myra, inspired by Little Toot--but maybe something like Beryl or Bernadette or Bernadine or Bernice?), Laila, Megara, Esmeralda, Gothel, Jessica Rabbit, Prudence, Grand Duke/Anastasia/Drizella/Baker, Shenzi/Banzai/Ed*, Zazu, Vitani, Zira, Nuka, Scar/Sarabi/Nala, Forte, Fife & Angelique, Lumiere/Cogsworth/Wardrobe/etc., Little Lightning, Lars, Jafar/Iago/Magic Carpet/Sultan/etc., Basil/Miss Kitty Mouse/etc., Chien-Po (etc. x3), Hei Hei, Bagheera/vultures/Shere Khan+etc. x~3, Caterpillar [Absolem]/flowers/doorknob/Wonderland woodland critters/birds, Yzma, Nassor/Elsa (II)/Persephone, Kida, Audrey, Helga, Vinny [+rest of crew xD], Friend Owl, Felix+Calhoun, Thomas+Wiggins+Flit+Nakoma/etc., Jake, Bianca, Smee+Hook, Bashful/Grumpy/Magic Mirror/etc. etc., Tantor, Gurgi, Dr. Doppler, Scroop, Cpt. Amelia, B.E.N., Morph, Frollo, Charlotte, Mama Odie, Ray, Flora/Fauna/Merryweather/Stefan/Maleficent/etc., Arista/sisters/Benjamin/Tip/Dash/etc., Fantasian centaur(ette)s+pegasi/unicorns+flamingos+ostriches+mushrooms+flowers+fish, lagoon mermaids, Sisu/dragons, Eeyore/Owl/Gopher/Rabbit/Tigger/et. al., Cleo, Bulldog/Windlifter/Ishani/Rochelle/etc., SitS squirrel girl, Madame Mim, Spinelli, Gretchen, Ting-Ting; Dinah, Fifi, Clarice, Panchito & Jose, above faeries, some original Disney-Channellers. Etc. ETC. ETC.

PIX: Merida, Gill, Bubbles, Gurgle, Dory, Mr. Ray, Tad, Blenny, Randall, Sheryl Flint, Hardscrabble, Susan [wanna be able to ship Randy with her, or a PNK, or Carla or Sheryl or somebody x3), Sonia, Nadya, the PNK 6, Carla Benitez, Terri-Terry, Javier, Percy/Omar/Baboso/Dirk/Roy/Donna/etc., Mirage, Violet, Syndrome, Voyd, Fillmore, Chick Hicks, DJ, Wingo, Boost, Snot Rod, Flo (+Rhonda, Laverne, Sheila ;), Darrell Cartrip, Prof. Z, Stretch & the peapod, Mr. Pricklepants, Lotso (sorta), Bunny/Ducky, Giggle McDimples, Wheezy, Sid/Scud/his toys/Buster/Slinky/etc. x3, Gypsy, Manny, Slim, Rosie, Tuck & Roll, Dim & the rest <3, Anger, Disgust, Bing Bong, AUTO, Kevin, Ego, Horst.

Live-action: Delilah, Sledge, Bernard, Stayne, Janice+Muppets mentioned here, Sanderson sisters, Digger (102 Dals--& the IWS, Affie, Poods...and needless to say, many various background/nameless animated doggos & other types in films/shorts), Apolline/Delta (BHC Poods), Stepmother/Calliope/Maximillian/Lionel

*Speaking of them...from TLG: Fuli, Ono, Jasiri & her clan, Janja & his, Azaad, Anga, Hadithi, Vitani's guard, Reirei, Rani & the Night Pride, Mzingo's parliament, flamingos, Swala, Ajabu, Badili & the other leopards, Mbuni & Kambuni, Bupu/Boboka/Mzaha, Sumu, Hodari, Kulinda, Ushari, Mjomba/Ogopa/Haya...x~} 
**Some other Disney Channel/Junior: Cupcake, Hissy, Cuckoo Loca, Cedric (& Baileywick etc.), Freddy flamingo, Frenchy, Nancy, Penelope x2, Judy/Connie/Roger/Bebe/Chalky, Indy/Coco (& Snickers, Rusty, the Schnauzers, etc.), Gruffi/Sunni/Cubbi/Calla/Igthorn/Lady Bane, Canina LaFurre/Zsa Zsa Labrador, Darkwing/Negaduck/all from original DC masterpiece toons, Pippa/Susie (& Nina Glitter, Lisa, Olivia, Emmy Lou, Ginger, etc.), Mallory/etc., Toby...Janice...x~3 Merc and the colorful jelly-blob aliens, magenta ones. Turner, Rusty, Pat, Squeeze, Stretch, Dusty, Felipe, Flicker; Beamer, Spinner, Zip & the rest of the auto service team.
Oh, and I ship the hell out of Captain Hook and Red Jessica...💞
some next level~ Rocky (then Mazu, Tiny/Bill--they're Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy respectively),arthropleura,carnivorous plant,horseshoe crabs,Cror,Totor,Termy,Dilo,Patchy,etc.;Leo/Annie;Migs+jaquins as a species (some veddy noice color combos; Elena was super-pretty as one),the sun birds,the malandros (wtf yo, fatass pink river dolphins straight outta Shark Tale),Esteban,Naomi,Armando,Dona Paloma,Shuriki,Fiero,Zuzo,Cacahuate,Mateo,etc. (Lotta gr8 voicework in that'un but also characters who look like others)
This twitlist of my favorite Disney ships is pretty good...forgot Persephone/Sparky, though...and I suppose we could pair Ruby with Sparky II? Or Chief! Also, I love B&tB's Fifi but wish her name were actually Babette. Dinah & Fifi are both used twice.
And in TLG: Jasiri/Janja, Fuli/Azaad, Kion/Rani, Bunga/Binga, Reirei/Goigoi, & maybe Anga w/ Hadithi or Ono...x~3

Very recent ramblings and nostalgia  
pony names 
ponies (plus the album that one's under, and its other subalbum...and...etc. etc...) 
utmost importance  


  1. random observation: the 3-eyed purple alien from Astroblast reminds me of Stretch.

  2. URGENTLY REQUIRED: Tank Gang shorts, featuring them on the reef (where they should've been in FD, not still in those effin' algae-choked bags for a throwaway gag at the end! They should've been significant characters again!)
    Also...I love Voyd's and Bunny's green/blue color schemes. x3 She'd look especially great as a neon lime/turquoise unicorn pony (guess all supers would be unicorns except the flying Pegasus ones. And ultra-powerful Alicorns.)

  3. Rewatching Hercules toon on D+: Remembered Cassandra being awesome and was right. She's kinda like Tangled's Cass+Meg. (So what's with them using the name Cassandra on that character type? Only other one that comes to mind is the Siamese cat in Cats...) Anyways she's also got the most superior eye/hair color combo.
    ALL-STAR voices on the gods and guest characters, DAYUM. Every famous person ever was in there. Like multiple guest stars per episode. o.O Love the whole pantheon (esp Hades...& Hermes, Aphrodite "--the goddess of love!", Hera [yay for hot pink+yellow/gold goddesses], Panic, Ares, Hephaestus, some series-only characters [e.g. Marigold], etc., etc.) Keep shavin' that owl and fuckin' that chicken, y'all. It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast. Now if only they could've used Fantasian mythological charries. I'd LOVE a film based on the Pastoral Symphony segment. Of all of them it'd probably lend itself best to one--huge, colorful cast of characters with backstories kinda built right in. Anyhoo.
    Episode I recalled best was 'Complex Electra,' and no wonder. ;p ;] #PummeledPomegranate
    Cass+Panic make a good pair. (Her+Jealousy too...and her+Thesus...hmm wow...) Aw. 'Spring of Canathus' was adorable.
    alternate title: Lessons in Greek Mythology
    Questionable end/message to the minotaur ep; like dudes, it would not be un-heroic to finish off the temple-toppling murderer, juss sayin'. Or you *can* turn him over to an authority to decide what to do with, but killing a murderer isn't "stooping to their level." Once you've intentionally killed an innocent for no good reason, you've forfeited the same consideration. Irl your villains probably wouldn't be so personable/likable/sympathetic/charming even after doin' all that shit.
    Rewatched Emperor's New School before it; hilarious. Kuzco very relatable in it, but as usual Yzma+Kronk steal the show.

  4. What sucks about Vampirina is that the redhead, Bridget, is the wimpy one. Least realistic thing ever!

  5. Biscuit Eater: Moreover has to be a Pudelpointer. Has to be. I knew it. I was like, "He looks exactly like the one in my Simon & Schuster guide." Ofc they're one of the European pointing breeds that are very similar to the best-known German Wirehaired Pointer, which is what the basic-ass bitch known as Wiki has him labeled.

    Burton's Alice movies are pretty darn solid really.
    And Iracebeth & Tarrant have that good hair. Stayne is hawwwwt. The Bandersnatch's coat reminds me of the Shurrack (one of my favorite "Pokemon.") Mirana's got that Elsa/Daenerys kinda look going on. Borat is Father Time himself, which explains a lot, but he's cool too. It's a lovable cast of characters. (Except for the gross, unfortunate-looking wuss Hamish.) Also Frances de la Tour looks like future Allison Janney? Yeah...

    20k Leagues Under the Sea: Damn, kinda forgot how good that one is. Great adventure film. WHAT A CAST. Omg, Esmeralda the sea lion. x'-} I remember reading the book and watching our VHS copy when I learned that Fujimoto-san was inspired by Captain the sequel in one of our NH/VT/ME hotel rooms (the one with the Chinese restaurant next door)...good times.

  6. Favorite Disney dogs=obvious. Favorite Disney cat=Yzma. XD
    Treasure Planet: I remembered liking Doppler+Amelia, Morph+B.E.N. (why'd I think he was voiced by Robin Williams? Oh yeah, because comedic character+RW robot from Robots...) Martin Short, close enough. xD And Scroop, because he's a cool-lookin' villain. Not a very sympathetic one though (Mr. Arrow! ;___; He rocked too...pun unintended.) And of course Jim & Silver... Nice steampunky scifi retelling of TI.
    AristoCats: I always tended to underrate this one a bit, partly because I had a slight preference for Gay Purree. I'd watch that every time it came on TV, but never found it for sale. This one is like a cats-only version of Lady & the Tramp/Incredible Journey and suchlike (well, there's Napoleon and Lafayette. xD) Probably the best aspect is Scat Cat's gang (the British, Russian, Italian, & Siamese gatos.) The British one's especially cool. 8-)
    Black Cauldron: Love the pig house. x3 They should get a chicken named Pig. Horned King's doggo is a bit like Chief crossed with a hyena. Almost forgot how cute Fflewddur is. And witch sisters so often come in trios...;]

    1. Moana: Mo’s grandma RULES. Anybody whose spirit animal is a ray has to rock. P&tF: Okay, I hope ‘princess’ Charlotte gave poor Travis another shot before just waiting for Naveen’s kid bro to grow up. xD Louis may be relayed to Big-Lipped Gator from ADGTH. Facilier is cool. Feel bad for Lawrence/Larry. ^^; His design is sorta reminiscent of rotund kings like Cindy’s & Rory’s pops. Also love Mama Odie’s spoonbill buddies. 8D 

    2. Les Incroyables: Just noticed that Mirage...might be an Atlantian. :o Pitbulllady & I, the Randall stans, were fangirling over her and Syndrome so much when it came out, and I was SURE she was also supposed to be a super...her name is even so suggestive of it, but I guess not. I was never quite clear what her powers were, actually. I suppose invisibility like Violet--who happens to be the best Parr--because of the way she seemed to appear out of nowhere. But every "clue" I had to her super-ness was just a red herring or misinterpreted, apparently. Ah well. :/ She still rocks. If you combined her and Vi (and maybe Voyd xD) you'd have such a perfect person. They both have such excellent hair. x3 Anyways. I'd want Vi's powers too, yep.
      TS4: Giggle should've said Mighty Max instead of He-Man. xD Then again, she and Max would make the perfect couple. (Speaking of Maxes...clearly Max & Roxanne didn't last...can't lie though, she's so much prettier than Mona.) Also, love the scene in MOUaC that directly references that lovely old puzzle picture we had of Mickey & Minnie on the loveseat in front of the fireplace with Pluto on the floor...but how did Figaro switch from Geppetto to Minnie? Where are Fifi and Pluto's pups??

    3. JUST realized I'd written "Rory's pop" in reference to King Hubert when obviously it should be "Phillip's pop." Doy.

  7. One always forgets, does one not, that Lawrence from Princess & the Frog isn't actually voiced by Timothy Spall? But merely looks like him? xD

  8. Oh wow, isn't this shitty of of sometime VERY recently, you can no longer take D+ screenshots. That blows. Was about to screengrab a buncha bunches of extas including...
    *~*Fancy Nancy: The Saluki at the very beginning of Nancy's Dog Show Disaster (s1e6) [also Nancy+Bree look kinda like...very young Mallory+Jessi xD]
    *~*Vampirina: Precious the Poodle (Beast in Show, s1e11) & the Stretch-like purple octopus monster in As You Wish, s2e18
    *~*Roadster Racers: Babette (17b--didn't mark s1 or 2); Beaglesnoot & Champ (Hot Diggity Dog Show, s2e2); Poppy (Shenannygans, s2e18); Mulch (My Little Daisy, s2e20); Cuckoo Loca's insanely excellent new house+interior shots of both+the shots from Bow Toon "Locked Out" (Cuckoo For Cuckoo Clocks, s2e5)
    *~*Mixed-Up Adventures: THE GALARIAN RAPIDASH & Lisa's horses, Ashley (s1e2 One Unicorny Day/Happy Horse Helpers); Mayweather (s1e4 Minnie's Vacation Home); Jilly Beagle (s1e8 Caution Kids @ Work); Carmen the best cuckoo-birb; Col. Kielbasa & the cabin (s1e10 Founder's Day Flounder); the awesome blonde-in-fuchsia & brunette-in-kelly background twins that I first noticed in s1e11 Goofasaur; Prince the greyhound (s1e5, Pricess Clarabelle); something in s1e16 (probably the cool mobile salon? at least); Mrs. Matisse & Trickini (s1e25); Palmer (s1e26 Shhhhh!); dance poster/icon (s1e27 Wheelchair Pals); salon & shit (s1e28); Ollie's family/Smokey (s1e30 Don't Wake the Baby); Charlotte (s1e31 Royalympics); Sarah (s1e32 Cuckoo Turnstyler); house (s1e33.)
    See also relevant comments on the 11/8/19 Bluffington/Equestria MiscellanyInsaney entry, plus ofc the 2/9/18 one in the International/Cross-Cultural Film 2010/FILM 3200. Blargh.

  9. -PJ Masks is okayish. The animal partners are cute, 'specially the owl & blue kitty...they give kind of that cool animal companion, sidekick, spirit, patronus, daemon, whatever sort of vibe. Owls are neato, as proven by Prof. Owl & Friend Owl & Mr. Owl & Pooh & Little Bear & Franklin & Napoleon & the Berenstain Bears & Rock-a-Doodle & Pokeymawns & our plush/statue ones & everything else, & their general coolness.
    -Thing #9283856174 I ponder late at night: "How would one even make a water pistol that can only shoot jelly? And a bird that swims but doesn't fly...that's a penguin...also I want all the misfit toys, especially the cowboy with his trusty ostrich steed."
    -”Pet Force” (*cough Garfield*)/Dog Star (hey it was all dogs) team with a Greyhound in the “hulk” position rather than the speedster? And another as the elastic villain, rather than a basset breed? Expectations successfully subverted. ;b Generally I like to reserve muzzle hair for boy doggos when possible. Cupcake manages to make it work fine. Not that it could be helped in that case anyway, it's clearly a trait from at least one breed in her makeup. Purple pooch (gotta love them purple critchers) hath purple rubber octopus—Stretch again. .0. PDP making connections to MLP & all kindsa shit, incl. stuff kids probably wouldn't/shouldn't know yet.

  10. Lizzie McGuire has my fishy lightswitch plate. Matt has our grabber. All these sitcoms have such similar structures/formulas, and sitcoms generally have been "borrowing" from Lucy & The Honeymooners since the 50s. Why must every school have stacked lockers? We had stacked squares in the gym locker rooms but tall narrow rectangles in middle, wider rectangles in high. The main characters always get the top ones of course, and the people below them are never there at the same time to have to inconveniently bend down and work around them.

  11. Lady & the Tramp pound dogs: adopted at Broadway Barks event in NYC (obviously started in Connecticut.) Great homes just like Buster’s gang. ❤️🤎 Ship Boris/Rita because holy Poods, the unbeatable-ness. Peg I long ago decided to ship with Little Lightning—a result of her London trip… and yeah, this is already accounted for above…Ruby with Chief or Sparky, hmmmm…

  12. Some D+ shite...
    Lightyear: Should be at least sorta cool as a sci-fi flick. Don't think it's wholly necessary to see "a Buzz Lightyear movie that Andy could've watched," but it doesn't hurt...I mean, I've never given it that much thought, but I now realize that I've always accepted it as Buzz just having been that super-cool toy every kid (or every boy anyway) would've wanted--the coveted Christmas gift, the Turbo Man, the Red Ryder. Not really because he was a blockbuster film character or anything, but simply because he captured the essence of "awesomeness" and action-adventure in a "state-of-the-art" package. The whole Star Command thing is very Star Trek, so he's kinda like Captain Kirk. In human form he's not dissimilar to Mr. Incredible. He's a superhero astronaut. He's the kind of toy that would get a Saturday morning cartoon and maybe then a feature film to star in. The Buzz commercial in Toy Story makes no reference to a movie or series or anything; you'd think there would at least be clips. A mention on the box. A mention ANYWHERE else in ANY of the films, by Andy or his mom or ANYbody. Clearly in '95 there was no real concept of him having been based on a character, or at least nothing that made it into any of the four films. Buzz is always presented as a very popular toy only, though obviously he would've then gotten all kinds of other stuff sold as well just like I guess it doesn't matter when "Lightyear" was made in Andy's timeline. This was the idea they wanted to do next so they can justify it by saying the toy came first, which makes a lot more sense. And Lightyear is hyper-fictional anyway...or just fictional, since we wanna accept great films like most of Pixar's and Disney's as being nonfictional on a superior planet/parallel universe. AND Toy Story is basically irrelevant to this self-contained little movie, so. Yeah. =D And how do you not know what a snood is...;-3 |
    S3 of Gigantosaurus...wherein Rocky repeatedly causes huge disaster and proceeds to help resolve it.
    Wtf was Ayati expecting Bill to do to "figure out" how to harvest the entire leaves then? She did make it sound like a puzzle with a solution, but it turns out she had no idea and was just shittin' him? So he IS a runt and she was able to get the whole leaves at his age?
    Best eps from last batch=the butterfly-effect one (pretty swarm) and the nightlight one. Poor Termy and her pretty shells. Super Dilo (what's with all the rainbow colors? 8D) The bubble-blowing fishies. :3 | 8sr: The sexy Kleenex tissue box that I'd often buy with the pop art-style neon Gerberas. The sister with the red curls who's more like me also has a Mutsy (Muttsy?), omg. Well. Not two like I do. And she didn't shoplift hers. Bwahaha. But still. Also a longnosed filefish sculpture, oooooomfg. {:0 I do like a lot of Bridget's fashion sense. I have little things in common with both, but more w/ Kerry ofc.

    1. Alias: STRONG Kill Bill rip-offage, omfg. Down to using QT & David Carradine as actors. xD Srsly, sooooo very much. Sydney=actually annoying main character. Best=Marshall, Jack, Sloane. And Dixon, etc. (Glad they finally realized they should use Joel Grey, lul.) Lotsa suspense but it started in quickly with the crazy sci-fi shit and prolonged itself like a soap opera by continually undoing the last thing to happen--nope, things are not as they seem, that was actually a setup/elaborate scheme by so-and-so, s/he is not who you thought they were, they're not really dead, wait are you evil or not, yaddadadadada. Usually can safely assume you're being misled. The suspense does lessen eventually as you realize that the main gang will neutralize most situations with relative ease. Realistically they'd all have died several times over. Somehow Beatrix's survival comes off much more believably (not to mention she's less irritating and has a much better, more appealing actress.) ANGUS SCRIMM—ah yes, talk about people who look like their names. I'd recognize gravedigger Pete Ringwald anywhere. 8-] New villains every season. Got more and more shark-jumpy/unrealistic/implausible as it went. Mad flippity-floppin' positions. Finally at an “omfg r u kidding me laaawwwwlllll” point of absurdity. Still feeling bad for Sloane. He's grey and Rambaldi-fixated but not as devilish as he's made out to be. Nadia's stupid-ass death was accidental and obviously destined because how tf else did she just happen to get killed by that table...facepalm. Everything's a fucking fake-out. Right, of course they're not gonna kill off Vaughn. Or like, any of the main crew. Everything happens right at the perfect second in the perfect way for them. Okay now Sloane's gone totally off the deep end with nothing else left to lose, so he's simply bound to “doing what needs to be done” at nearly any cost. ;; Is anybody ever dead for real? Like Jack & Sloane are finally, but Irina & Sark are still going for the red ball Rambaldi thing? (It's Noel! ^^ The Golden Book ornament.) And the giant red spinning golf ball of course. ._. Nope, Sloane's resurrected! Whoop, obviously this crap is for realsies. Irina is totes obsessed with it and dies for the red ball. Sloane (aww, and he'd seemed to be so on the path for total redemption) and Jack are finally actually really dead for really true actual real realsies. Oh fuck you Nadia, who needs you anyway, person who got killed by a fucking table. Ugh, I knew it was gonna have a bogus, “did we really need to watch all that?” ending. Like wtf. “And everybody else lived happily ever after and she went and got Sark at last, the end.” The "chosen one" nonsense amounted to nothing of course, and OMG UGH, by the end you're so fucking sick of her and all the "perfect special Sydney" crap, like no, give us a break. Turns out my pre-assessment was once again right after all (I can almost always tell whether somethin' really gonna be worth it...)

    2. T.O.T.S.: No Zed, you're right. Getting little siblings blows and you don't have to share anything you don't want to. Everyone should have one kid at most. The Smileinator is a fucking jack-in-the-box and was invented long ago, Woodbird. On the other wing you're super-casual about all your earth-shattering inventions. And you should've known you weren't on the moon 'cause everybody knows the damn moon's made of CHEESE. Professor Goodguy is talking about the world of inflation. Hayley or Halle, make up your mind...sux either way. FFS, they don't lock the babies in the crates...they're always risking them falling to their deaths on the way home...this is insanity. x_x But at least flamingo beaks bite triangles and are considerate enough to eat the waffles rather than inconceivably throwing them from the table like that wicked penguin. ("Why does the train even HAVE that button?" ;) JP=most relatable. Hell kinda name's Orma? Is this the first time they had Vanessa Williams sing? Although to make 'family,' 'today,' and 'anniversary' rhyme they had to pronounce them all to sound like “day.” KC could be yellow Pawla's lavender relative mayhap. Beakman oughta be right pissed at Pip dragging her all over the place all day and missing the shot that was almost as good as the Liepard on the rock overlooking the jungle...-_- The one I should've photographed before Joe had to choose an inferior one to score more points in that bs game. Blargh. Where's the whale gonna keep the lovey, that thing should be made of rubber or plastic... Flamingle bells—you got that from Lisa Frank! Hell's Rudolph? Is Santa a polar bear? A POLAR BEAR THAT WEARS A BRA?

  13. I ship Elsa with Jack Frost from Jack Frost (1979.) Also love the one in Frosty's Winter Wonderland but clearly he's, another JF. xD Like Jackie Frost, a separate individual with the same or a similar name and job. Maybe in another part of the world or for a different time period or something.

    Very favorite "supernatural" animals: CUCKOO CATFISH! Epaulette shark of course. Devil ray, harlequin shrimp, hyena...etc. etc.
    Basking shark=possessed of incredibly boopable schnoot. Greenland as well. Lion=most bullshit species, seriously. The girls do all the work of hunting and then for some unfathomable reason allow the good-for-nothing worthless tobacco-picker--uh, male to stride over and eat first? Wtafh?

    Disenchanted: Actually a decent, acceptable sequel. Not, of course, as good as the first--musically in particular--but a bit of a pleasant surprise. Could've used at least a mention or cameo appearance for Nathaniel. Aside from that I suppose it didn't really need to reference the original much more than it did. Had to give Idina a couple reasons to sing, naturally. Love Power...ha, gonna pretend it's Cassidy singing that. Because she and Butch may love power, but we all know they love each other more and *must* have softer sides (that could be explored if they'd gotten to show up more than once per season at max...) Nobody loves Jessie & James more than I, but for real, forcing them to pop in for a pointless minute in every episode just to send them blasting off again or whatever only cheapens and makes them seem more pathetic than they really are. Anyhow. Was tough to buy Morgan as growing into that typical "Why are you making me move, you're not my real mom" type of teenager. Guess it's not entirely impossible, and she didn't spend most of the movie that way. Malvina's two minions were funny and had Rodgers-and-Hammerstein-Cinderella stepsister vibes. The blonde one felt as if she were trying to channel Kristin Chenoweth, and tbf it was the kind of role she'd play. Liked her outfit at the end. Cute how the "villains" wound up friends. Not perfect, and maybe left a better impression than it would've if everything else of late hadn't been such shit. Mickey Saves Christmas was okay--cute enough for one viewing but nothing remarkable enough to actually join the Xmasterlist. Just gave it that name right now. o.O It obviously includes all the Rankin-Bass stop-motion masterpieces to which MSC paid homage, plus Mickey's Xmas Carol and Once/Twice Upon and Snowed In @ the HoM and classic holiday shorts. But it was basically just another little Clubhouse/Roadster Racers/Mixed-Up Adventures-style "Mickey & the gang" holiday special.

    1. Unfortunately when it comes to unacceptable sequels...the one I'd been more looking forward to. :\ Oy. The Santa Clauses. This is not a valid canonical continuation, it's a parody. Tim Allen and David Krumholtz are funny as ever, but while there are laughs to be had, there're as many if not more cringes. It starts out with lots of eye-rolling crap and attempts to be "timely" or some shit, but that's only ever done in ways that'll make things become dated and unwatchable very quickly--if they're watchable to begin with., but only because you've come this far and have to see it through. I mean, it is most of the original cast and all. :/ But ugh. Even if you're mocking or semi-mocking that kind of junk rather than outright embracing it, I still say, no--*ignore* it. Give it the acknowledgment and attention it deserves, which is zero. Anyway. It's all pretty minor complaints until episode 5, where the whole thing just goes haywire. Omg finally, Bernard's here! Save us, king! Oh wait, he...sacrificed eternal elfin youth to...marry Vanessa Redgrave?? And now that you've thrown us for that loop, why not just go and retcon the original film--NO FUCK YOU I WASN'T SERIOUS. You're trying to actually tell us that Scott Calvin was selected to be the first human (i.e. non-"ethereal being powered by Christmas magic") Santa Claus by the previous one--who just pretended to be startled off the roof--and all the former ones, and all the other cultural Christmas figures going back to the original St. Nicholas...? All the clauses were written specifically for him? Dude, no. I get they were trying to answer some questions, but that can be done without retconning. You don't go making up all this shit and tampering with the premise of the original masterpiece. That kind of twist has to be planned from the outset, not thought of and added that many years later. It's better and funnier if he was just a non-Chosen-One guy who accidentally killed Santa and assumed the role. As heartfelt and touching as the films are, they're comedies first and foremost. The trilogy is perfect and doesn't need this. Sure, the third might be the weakest, but that's okay--it's still a perfectly fine chapter of the story, and things do tend to weaken as they go. The key is knowing when to quit, when to say "Anything we could tack on at this point would be unnecessary and possibly detrimental." But that ability is lost, it seems. Everything in the world (save for GPS!) continues to constantly worsen, ever more rapidly. And the incessant spitting out of worthless, pointless, redundant garbage...the focus on quotas and "messages" and shit over simply making something truly good which won't be immediately forgotten by the six people who watched it...the inability to even have an illusion of groups of geniuses sitting on clouds bestowing great art upon the world, when it's blatantly clear that half the random people on any given street could do a better job...true greatness feels next to impossible at this point. And anyways, yeah, thinking back to other shit in the first four much of TSC is wrong. #5 just broke the camel's back. So, it's a parody, not the legit sequel series I'd somewhat foolishly anticipated. =] Oh, well.

    2. It could be one thing to have a Bernard film in which he, Hercules-and-Meg-style, does sacrifice his elfin youth (does that equate to immortality? And did he supposedly give up elfhood entirely? Didn't notice the ears...) For a girl. One based on me. ;b But to just throw out this goony joke because you need to explain this actor's aging...Clauses is no more than an SNL skit based on the movies.

    3. PDP barreled off a cliff and perished in a fireball. S5 turned into a mostly-noncanonical total disasterpiece not worth remarking on further. Ah well. Started out cute and had a decent run. Needs cancellation after this. (Bernice the grey Pood is cool though. And Monet the artistic painted wolf who's obviously buds with my Picasso. The occasional one- or two-off character who pops up briefly is aiight.) But the destruction of Cupcake's hair texture, whyyy...)

  15. Q: "Best Disney sequel?"
    A: Not counting Pixar or live-action...
    The Rescuers Down Under (only one included in the Animated Canon, for good reason)
    An Extremely Goofy Movie (deserves to be included! But that's the only such one I'll mention since past that it's too "not really Disney")
    Simba's Pride (1 1/2 is aiight)
    Beauty & the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (Yeah, a midquel rather than a sequel...I suppose Belle's Magical World is also one, in the same "3 short stories" style of Cinderella 2...just never classified it with them as I recall it being marketed as less of a movie, more of a home video side cartoon type of bonus thing...)

    Biggest guilty pleasures (mostly for the new characters, not so much for their value as sequels/midquels):
    Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True
    The Fox & the Hound 2
    Lady & the Tramp 2: Scamp's Adventure
    101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure

    Q: Best D+ shit from '22?
    1) 80s Top Ten
    2) Zorro
    3) anything to do with wildlife/animals, especially all the amazingly wonderful 🦈 programs

    Honorable Mentions:
    -Bluey s3
    -Gigantosaurus s3, PJ Masks s5, T.O.T.S. s3
    -Light & Magic
    -few other series/films/whatever that were interesting (oh yeah, BitBBH was cute. There was stuff that bugged me about it but overall, pretty charming and funny. )

  16. #DisneyChannel 📺 #mydisneychannel
    The best ones by ♾:
    The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
    Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers
    Goof Troop
    Darkwing Duck
    DuckTales (1987)
    Quack Pack
    The Little Mermaid
    The Emperor's New School
    Timon & Pumbaa

    *also need mentioning: Gummi Bears, Recess, Legend of the 3 Caballeros, Mickey Mouse Club, Spin & Marty; Book of Once Upon a Time, Nursery Rhymes/Lullabyes, Lego Frozen
    *eh, why not: mighty ducks, big hero 6, lilo & stitch, 101 dalmatians, tangled, mickey mouse clubhouse; muppet moments

    *and as for preschool/junior/playhouse...
    imagination movers
    miles from tomorrowland
    handy manny
    roadster racers/mixed-up adventures/nutty tales/bow toons
    fancy nancy
    lion guard
    little einsteins
    sheriff callie
    jake & the neverland pirates
    puppy dog pals

    most of the best themes can be found within my disney-specific spotify playlists (of which there currently be 6.)
